Page 35 of Head in the Game

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I force my eyes away from him, taking in his small dorm room. I've only been in here once, before he'd really moved in, so a lot has changed. It smells like him—his spicy body wash and the faint underlying scent of sweat. It smells like sex.

His room is fairly tidy for a college age guy, but it's clear he doesn't spend much time here. There are very few personal effects in his room, and I wonder what happened to the trophy I saw in his box of things on that first day. For whatever reason, he decided not to display it. The only thing hanging on the wall is a large calendar where he has his classes, training, and game schedule, each written in different colors. There are textbooks and notebooks on the small desk, and a school issued laptop that is open to a social media page. Apparently, his accident and absence have made him a trending subject around the school.

I open my mouth to speak, but the words to start the conversation we need to have won't come out. My mouth closes, and once again I feel like an idiot. I shouldn't have come here, and I really shouldn't be standing in Jack Perry's dorm room gaping at his half naked body while students are milling around directly outside his door. The walls are thin enough that I realize the music is coming from the room next to him, not across the hall like I thought.

My eyes meet Jack's. He's been watching me quietly since he pulled me in here.

He's probably pissed. I'm still pissed. But not at him.

Closing my eyes to block myself from the intensity of his gaze, I take a deep breath to steel myself. "I'm so?—"

My apology gets cut off by a hard kiss. In the span of time it takes for me to force myself to start the words, Jack crosses the space between us and presses his lips against mine, stealing the breath it would take to finish my sentence. My weak resolve crumbles, and I kiss him back, our tongues wrestling, teeth clashing against each other. Jack puts his hands on my shoulders, pressing my arms to close around him, fitting his body against mine.

The embrace, however awkward it is, breaks through the last of my defenses. Holding him against me, I walk forward until his back hits the door. His hands push under my shirt, and my skin sears where our stomachs press against each other, skin to skin. He pushes my shirt up my chest, breaking the kiss to pull it over my head, then lowers his mouth to flick over one of my nipples. A shiver runs through my body when he starts to push the waistband of my pants and boxer briefs down, bending to lower himself in front of me. I let my pants fall, but hold Jack up against the door, pulling his hands above his head and pressing my chest against him to pin him upright.

"You didn't let me apologize," I grumble against his neck. Pinning his arms above his head with one arm, my other hand trails down his chest, tracing over his cut abs before pushing under the edge of the towel. I pull against the material, loosening it so it falls to the floor. My hand wraps around his thick erection, stroking pre-cum down his shaft before cupping his heavy balls.

Releasing his hands, I do something I've never done before.

I lower myself to my knees.

With the flat of my tongue, I lick from the underside of his sac to the base of his cock before taking each heavy, round testicle into my mouth. I roll my tongue over each of them, reveling in the short gasps and moans Jack makes. When I lick up the underside of his shaft, looking up at him to see his reaction, his eyes are glazed. His mouth is parted, his hands held out at his sides like he isn’t sure what to do with them.

When Jack is sucking my cock, my hands are in his hair, controlling the way his mouth moves up and down my shaft. But this is unfamiliar territory for both of us, and he's not sure what to make of the new development. Honestly, neither am I, but I'm even more surprised by how much I like my mouth on him. His spicy soap smell is stronger in my nostrils, the curls of his pubic hair tickling against my nose. His skin is smooth under my tongue, the slippery pre-cum he’s leaking is salty and sweet in equal measure. I suck on the head of his cock like a lollipop, pressing my tongue into the weeping slit. Jack cries out, his hands flying up to steady against the top of my head.

I chuckle, pulling off his dick. "Don't come yet, Jack. I'm not done with you."

Standing, I grip his hips and turn his body around. My hands grasp his and press them against the door on either side of his head. My body crowds and presses into his, my cock nudging between his thighs. He trembles in anticipation.

Pressing once against his hands to let him know to keep them where I've placed them, I release his hands and trail my fingers down the sides of his body until I reach his hips. Teasing, perhaps frighteningly, I pull his hips out and use a foot to widen his stance. Bending my body to fit against his, I lick and whisper against the space between his shoulder blades. "I'm not going to fuck you, Jack." He relaxes against me, drooping almost as if he's disappointed. I wrap my hand around his cock again, pumping as my hips roll into him from behind.

"Why not?" he asks breathlessly.

I can't answer him, knowing that whatever he says in reply will change my mind. I'm weak, fucking putty in his hands just as he is in mine, and I don't know how to deny him when it's something I want more than air to breathe. Instead, I distract him by dropping to my knees again, taking his firm ass in my hands, kneading and spreading his cheeks apart. Leaning my head forward, I lick between his legs, tonguing the sensitive space between his balls and ass. Jack startles at the sensation, then leans his head against the door and lets out a low moan. The music is still loud on the other side of the door, so I don't worry too much about what anyone might hear.

His skin is still damp, and I itch to put my mouth on every inch of Jack's body. My tongue moves up through his cheeks, licking up any remaining moisture from his shower. He gasps and groans when my tongue teases over his hole, and I flick it over the puckered flesh the way I would a clit.

I didn't come here intending to do anything other than have a conversation with Jack about how we can't continue the relationship we've somehow forged out of the fucked-up situation I put us in. I know what I've done is wrong. I used my position of power to manipulate a student into pushing themselves harder than they should. So hard, in fact, that he could have been seriously injured, or worse. And as if that wasn't bad enough, I've been using him as a sexual outlet. It started as a power play, albeit a fucked up one, but it's turned into something far more dangerous.

I burn for him. Crave him. So much so that I'm willingly and enthusiastically pushing my tongue into another man's asshole.

"Fuuuck," Jack moans against the door, pushing his ass back against my face as I lick and probe him, eating his ass like a starving man until my mouth is sore. "Coach!" He pleads my name, panting and digging his fingers against the door. Jack's cock is visibly throbbing, the angry purple head hitting the door so that drops of cum are dripping down the wood.

I replace my tongue with a finger, and then two, slowly thrusting inside the tight hole. My eyes are locked on the way his ass swallows them greedily, and I feel the tight ring contract when I wrap my other hand around Jack's cock. His hips buck into my hand, shouting as I add a third finger to his ass. My mouth salivates, watching the way my fingers pump into his ass, spreading him out. He groans when I remove my fingers, looking down at me with wide eyes, silently asking me why I dared to stop. I try to reposition myself around his front to take his cock in my mouth and end up pressed between his body and the door. Jack's cock eagerly pushes into my mouth, and I relax my jaw, giving in and letting him take charge. He thrusts into my mouth, hard but still more gentle than I've ever been. I blink out a stream of tears, and focus on the way his abs contract when I lift one of my hands to squeeze and tug on his balls. They're firm and tightened against his body, and I realize that he's waiting for permission. His cock is lodged down my throat, but his hands are right where I told them to stay and he’s slowing his thrusts to keep himself from coming.

Fuck, that does something to me.

My fingers push back into his ass to massage his prostate, and I push my head forward to take him deeper into my throat. The effect is instant. Jack chokes out a cry, and he fills my mouth. I keep pumping my fingers inside him, milking and swallowing as his cum keeps spurting into my mouth. When he's finally spent, I hold some of it in my mouth, savoring it for a moment before spitting it into my hand and using it to rub my cock. I didn't come here to get off, hell I didn't come here to get him off, but there's no way I could walk out of here like this. I'm harder than I've ever been in my life, painfully so.

Jack is still braced against the doorway, eyes closed and breathing heavily. "That was… Fuck," he groans, interrupting himself when he opens his eyes and looks down at me. He watches me with heavy, lust filled eyes. "I'm going to take my hands off the door now," he says. "And then you're going to put your fat cock in my ass and fuck me like I know you want to."

"Jack…" I warn him, but my warning is weak at best.

He lets go of the wall and drops to the floor in front of me. He puts his hand over mine and stops me from stroking myself, leaning forward to kiss me. It starts slowly, but he bites my lip and pulls, and I fall forward in a frenzy. I take his mouth savagely, recklessly, until I'm covering his body with mine.

"Fuck me," Jack says, and I pull back.

I've come this far, broken through all these boundaries, but I'm holding back on fully taking what I want. I know, beyond any doubt, that once I do this, there's no going back. Once I let up on this last barrier between us, I'll fall.
