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“But she isn’t. She doesn’t even know me.”

“And yet she cares about you. She was worried earlier when she thought you were hurt. There’s something there. You can feel it. I can feel it.”

Woodrow stood, his gray sweats dropping down his hips. “Are those my sweatpants?”

“Fuck you, man, you ruined my sneakers.”

“That’s a yes then.”

He tapped me on the shoulder, his pretty-boy charm all over his face again when I looked his way. “I love you.”

“You, too. Don’t be overfeeding those fucking pigs.”

“I won’t.” He picked up the bucket but didn’t move.


“Ollie said not to tell you yet, but we have some house guests. They are in my room for now, but tomorrow, I’m gonna build them some dog houses, assuming I’m the one at the front. Can’t be trusting Woody or Hell with a hammer for different reasons.”

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me? You brought one of those mutts home?”

“The little chihuahua took a shine to me.”

“Ah, fuck my life.”

“I think he’ll grow on you.”

“I doubt it.”

“We’ll see. And Ollie kinda liked the German Shepherd.”

“So, there’s two in the house?”


“Where are the others?”

“At Beyond Heaven. I’m going there every day until they are rehabilitated, and then, hopefully, a lot of them will make good companions for the residents.”

“Don’t hold your breath.”

“People can change. Animals can, too. Sometimes, the environment you’re raised in plays a big part. We both know that. Give them a second chance, and get your ass inside and claim your own, loser.” He gave me a smile that wasn’t completely authentic because I knew a tiny part of him was still seething about those sneakers, and then he walked off.

I forced myself to my feet, ignoring the semi that twitched every time Woodrow mentioned Cat’s name or brought up her existence.

The house was dark. Nothing but the lights from the kitchen cabinets glowed. They highlighted all of Dec’s fancy cups, and I was half-tempted to steal one in revenge, but I swallowed the feeling down and walked to my room without making a cup of coffee.

Cat was still sitting on my bed, her legs folded, her panties on the floor with the dirty clothes I’d left behind.

“You’re back.”

“I’m sorry.” I dropped to my knees in front of her, pulling apart her legs to position myself between them. My arms closed around her waist, pulling her in close. “I always fuck up when it comes to you. I’m overly stressed and shouldn’t have taken it out on you over what I thought I saw.”

“It wasn’t what you thought. I don’t like Dec. I mean, I do like Dec. He’s funny, but I don’t like him in that way.”

“I should have known that.”

“I wouldn’t even look at another man. I’d never want a man to touch me again after what has happened the last few weeks. It’s just…It’s different with you. It’s different because it’s you. You were right, my body remembers you, and I feel safe with you around. I didn’t have that today. I just had Dec…and Kate, who is a little too professional most of the time. I didn’t want a shrink. I wanted a friend, and watching Christmas movies, even when it isn’t Christmas, felt like something I’d do with a friend.”
