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“Well, I have the money, and there is nothing in the world I’d rather spend it on. Like I said, you aren’t going anywhere. I need you too much.”

“Thank you, Remi. You really are the best.”

“No. I’m not.” My legs pushed me back again, and again, Woodrow followed.

“Are those my sneakers? Have you seen the white ones?”

“I borrowed them. Then trashed them.”

“They were my favorite pair.”

“I’ll get you a new pair.”

“Why did you throw the last ones away?”

“You don’t want to know.” I quickly changed the subject. “Have you fed my cat?”

“I have fed all our cats. And I’m about to feed our pigs.” He pointed to the bucket of mush.

“What even is that?”

“It’s made from soybeans and—”

“Poor pigs. Good thing Ollie has probably already fed them today.”


“I’m guessing after you dropped off the dogs and went back for him and the bodies.”

Woodrow didn’t voice the disgust on his face.

I laughed. “God, you’re still so innocent.”

“I’m normal. Fuck, I can’t believe I’m the most normal in this house.”

“I know, right? God, maybe Ollie was right. Maybe bringing Cat here wasn’t a good idea.”

“What’s the story there? Like, I know she was one of the girls from your shows. Ollie filled me in on some of it. But not everything. Is she the girl you kept going back for?”

I looked back to my window and was both grateful and disappointed that I didn’t see her there. “Yes.”

“I kinda assumed the one at Beyond Heaven was the girl—”

“That’s someone else.”

“I can see why Ollie’s…” Woodrow took a moment, thinking of the right word… “concerned. But, I think, no one should stand between two people who love each other, and I know you did some shitty things before, but you’re a different person now.”

I nodded, still feeling like I was worthless compared to Cat.

And Woodrow continued, “Sure, you kill a lot of people, and if I still believed in God, I don’t know what I’d be saying right now. But all I believe in is what I see, and I see you as grown and caring and worthy of forgiveness.”

“Yeah, maybe. But I didn’t rape you.”

“Hell did Jolie.” Woodrow’s head tilted, his gaze leading mine to the moon and all the beauty of it. “And she forgave me. She forgave him. Our perfect Moonlight.” Moonlight was his pet-name for her. His eyes flicked back to me, silver and sparkling, that big moon reflected in his pupil. “It can happen, Remi.”

“The thing with Dec earlier, I kinda lost it.”

“There’s nothing with Dec. Yeah, he’s a little flirty, but we both know the only reason he’d want her is because she’s yours.”
