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“Your name is Catharina.”

“Catharina, that’s unusual.”

“It’s beautiful.”

After a small pause and with little interest, she asked, “What do you do for work?”

“I’m a tattooist, and I do some body mods.”

Her stare turned sad, so it was a good thing I’d chosen to leave out the part that I did these things for a trafficking ring—the very one that had ripped her from all she knew.

It was safer for her to think I just worked at a local tattoo shop. And it was better for me that she had no idea there was so much more to it.

“Do you do your own tattoos?”

“I started it. I did the little depressive bear when I first started learning, but someone else took over the design as the tattoos go onto my back.”

“You have a panda on your back.”

“I do.”

“What’s his story?” Her interest picked up. “He has tears.”

“She’s sad because she’s trapped.” Her tiny cage peeped from behind giant roses. “She misses her family.”

“I guess I can relate. All of a sudden.” Her shoulders rose and fell.

I nodded, knowing she definitely could.

“Was your friend okay?” She didn’t look at me as she asked, and I didn’t hear her, so she repeated herself.

And then I was the one looking away, and I didn’t elaborate on what kind of friend I’d visited when I said, “She will be. I hope.”

Chapter 10


“So, this is home.”

I led Cat into my bedroom and flicked on the light. My phone was on the table next to my sofa bed, and the dark screen was hard to see on the black wood. It had been left there by Ollie, I suspected, who had gone to The Shithole to deal with issues there. Unlike the rest of the house, who had decided to call it a night now that they knew I was okay.

I turned on the light, allowing Cat to see the few pink accessories scattered across the space. Ollie had cleaned a little, removing my clothes from the floor.

“I don’t see a cage. Does that mean I can sleep somewhere else?”

“You can take my bed.”

I probably should have changed the sheets so as not to have her resting on the extra layer of cum, but fuck it, at least she had a blanket tonight.

“Where is it?”

I gestured to the sofa. “It pulls out.”

“I’ve never seen one like that…I don’t think.”

“I don’t sleep a lot. A sofa to fill the space made more sense.”

“I appreciate it either way. Thank you.”
