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“I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. I don’t want to jump into anything tonight.” I rolled onto my back, and he did the same.

“I understand, and I wouldn’t have taken things further than a kiss. Maybe, a sneaky touch or two.”

I laughed, loving that he didn’t push. Grown-up Remi never pushed and always gave me everything I, even space—arguably, too much of those things.

“Thank you for being the you that you are now. For caring for me and for Rhylie.”

“I did care for her. I wish you could have had some time together.”

“Me, too.” I reached under my pillow, finding her folded note there, safe and close to me. “I should probably read it.”

His lips gently pressed against my shoulder, and he encouraged me to open the page with a head nod.

And I read another note that brought bittersweet pain.

Cat, my darling sister.

I love that Remi found you and you’re happy.

He told me you don’t remember either of us, and that’s probably a good thing.

I’m so sorry I wasn’t there to protect you.

I begged them not to take you, too. I promise you I tried.

They just didn’t listen to me.

I want you to know that the hours leading up to our disappearance were what kept me alive all these years. Getting ready with you and letting you beautify my face. Seeing your beautiful face, so happy and full of life, was the best thing for me.

I’ve asked Remi about you daily, and he brought me pictures because I needed to know that you still shined in the dark. And you always did love a camera.

And now, I do.

I also know you’re very unwell and need a new heart.

You wouldn’t remember this, but I’m a match, and if I only do one more thing in life, I want that one thing to be for you.

I’m going to go to sleep, and I hope you’re the one who wakes back up.

You’ve kept my heart beating for so many years. It’s only fair I give those years back to you.

I pray it works because I know that you’re happier than I’ll ever be, and you have friends, and you’re married, and he had better be the best damn husband, or I will haunt him.

Please don’t cry for me, Baby Sister.

You’ve always been my angel, but it’s time for me to be your angel now.

I wish I could see you one last time, but even if you don’t recognize me, I can’t let you see me like this.

And I’m so sorry for that, Cat. And I’ve missed you so much.

But I’ll walk with you every day. I’ll guide you away from harm, and if Remi screws up, I already told you I’ll be that mischievous ghost that’ll throw things at him.

But he won’t.

He loves you too much, and so do I.
