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“We’ll know then if we have a match.”

“I appreciate everything you do for me. I am sorry for being such a screw-up.”

“You’re not a screw-up.” He filled a cup with coffee and handed it to me before sitting at my side. “And this, what’s happening now, isn’t your fault.”

“You’re already in trouble, Ollie.” I finished the coffee in one gulp. “Rothbart had cameras in the house. Tiny things that went unnoticed. The recordings went to Pencil Dick.”

“Well, maybe that’s why he’s avoiding my calls.”

“I wish there was another way. But I can’t tell you not to do this for me because I can’t live without Cat, not after how we’ve been for the last few weeks. But Pencil Dick could be plan—”

“It’s fine, Remi.” Ollie took the cup from my hands and placed it to the side. “What’s he gonna do? Send another assassin? I’m not afraid of Rubbichon or anyone he’ll send, but if this goes south and I don’t make it. I need you to promise me something.”

“I’ll never stop looking for Loren.”

Ollie nodded, his eyes glossed, for his girl or mine, who knew. “I’ll make the call.”

Chapter 71


Three days had come and gone. No fucking matches.

Ollie had just left after giving me the shitty news. He was with Cat now. I still couldn’t sit with her for longer than ten minutes at a time.

I was in Rhylie’s room, pink walls surrounding me as I sat at her side and finished the story I was telling her.

“Did you hear me?” I asked, hoping for an answer—a flutter of her eyes, her pinky jolting, anything.

Still, she was motionless.

Novaletti suspected brain damage, and I was beginning to feel like he was right. He said, based on the tests that had been done so far, it looked to be irreversible.

Hearing his robotic voice deliver more shitty news had knocked the resentment straight out of me.

“Move for me, babe.” I took her hand, squeezing it. She wasn’t cold, just right, like the heat in the room. “We’re looking for a heart for Cat. My brother is arranging blood tests for traffickers. I don’t think she’ll be happy when we find a match, but fuck, I can’t wait to hear her yell at me about it. About anything. I just want to hear her voice.” Another tear fell. I’d been crying for fucking days now, and the pressure was causing the worst migraine. “I need you, Rhylie. She needs you, and you’ll have to deal with the fact that I will bring her to see you as soon as you’re both well enough. Maybe we’ll build an extension on the house, and you can come home with us. What do you think about that?”

I waited in silence, and no answer came.

“Prove them wrong. Wake up. She needs you.” Close to begging, my voice broke. I placed her hand on the bed and was ready to leave when Novaletti popped in.

He didn’t act like a doctor, talking to me with big words. He nodded in my direction, confirming what he already suspected—irreversible brain damage.

Turning back to Rhylie, I stood and lowered down on her, kissing her forehead, my tears dropping to her cheek.

“I’m so sorry, babe. I’m sorry if I missed your struggles. That you’ll never see your sister. I’m sorry that this was your fucking life, all because you came to my show. I wish I could change it for you. I wish I could change the past, Rhylie.” I placed another kiss. “I love you.”

“Is Cat okay?” I sniffled, taking a step back.

“No change with Catharina.”

I nodded. There was no ringing today, letting me hear what Novaletti said, but he moved his mouth to help me because he didn’t know that.

“I gotta let them go, haven’t I? I have to lose them both.”

His hand landed on my shoulder. Glancing at it, I spotted a wedding ring that I’d never noticed before. I started twisting mine, focusing on the italic C behind it.

“Olivier is still looking for a donor.”
