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Cat’s pillow raised slightly as my hand crept beneath, feeling for the drawing of her sister. It was there, scrunched and a little ripped, but there. I placed it under her arm and leaned into her, placing a kiss on her head as I rolled her onto her side and tugged her against me.

Within minutes, my body grew heavy. Too heavy to walk downstairs and kick fuck into the creep who’d broken our agreement.

She’d been raped. I knew it. And I couldn’t fucking deal with it.

An escape was needed.

A gummy bear landed on my tongue, and I chewed. A sleuth of bears followed behind. Time passed, the ringing in my ear becoming white noise to all my horrible thoughts.

I fell asleep with at least one of the bear’s legs still in my mouth.

Something startled me, and I shot awake. Cedric was in the room, cowering in his overalls.

He held up his hands in surrender, shuffling back on unsteady feet to the door and the orange glow beyond it.

It was later now and dark outside.

“I brought you a peace offering.” His eyes headed to the bedside table, and mine followed, flicking back to him when I saw the note that said the same thing. A syringe and bag of white powder sat at its side.

“We don’t have to be enemies. Not yet.”

I penned a quick note back, writing FUCK YOU! in giant letters.

“Get the fuck out of here.” I was too tired for his cryptic shit, already rolled back over into Cat’s warmth and the false thoughts I was planting in my own head that told me she was okay.

He left, struggling to set the broken door in place.


I woke to the heaviness of an arm around my waist and an ache between my legs—that was the norm for the last four weeks. The blur in my eyes would have made me think it was another man here to use me, but the scent of his skin told me otherwise.


I should have known. Those men never really held me, always going straight in for what they wanted, whether the drugs had taken effect or not.

Remi, sleeping at my side with a gentle snore, was no longer one of those people.

He was happy to take what he could get, what I’d give. And I was willing to give, hoping it would get me what I wanted—him whisking me off to somewhere far away.

The sunset outside promised to be there, too. It promised to be pink and pretty like it was right now.

I sat up, each muscle heavy and tired. Remi’s hand fell between my legs, to the soreness of bruises and dry blood.

I removed his hand, placing it on my leg. A strange curve lay embedded in his ring finger, looking suspiciously like the letter C, as my thumbpad moved over it.

God, my plan could actually work.

Maybe he’d fall harder for me than I would for him.

Ice water spilled over the fire inside me, seeing the bag of coke on my bedside table. Seeing the note in Cedric’s handwriting—him trying to subdue Remi’s desire for me with something he hadn’t accepted.

My heart fluttered over the words beneath.


Yes, fuck you, Cedric. Because Remi had chosen me this time—me over the drugs, and that did something to me.

Like the stupid love-struck teenager I was, it made me want the dream that I’d convinced myself wasn’t real.
