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I wheezed, terrified. My lungs struggled to suck in air. One wrist secured in his grip, the other hand stuck beneath him.

His eyes followed the tear leaving mine, and he rolled away, giving me access to my limbs. Both of my hands clawed at my chest, leaving pink scrapes on my skin in my panic. I failed to care as the towel fell, revealing everything as he sat me up, pulling me between his legs as he moved us to my pillow.

“Remi, I’m scared. I’m really scared. My heart feels funny.”

He popped a candy into his mouth as his body shook beneath me. The broken-hearted girl inside me convinced me it was because he was frightened for me…that I’d die…because he cared. But it was more likely the result of the drugs wearing off. He popped another, the scent of the green bear bringing painful memories.

“You’re okay. You’re fine.”

I shook my head, leaning into his chest.

“I’ll open a window.” He twisted me around, plastering me to him as he left the bed.

“They’re nailed shut,” I stuttered as he made it to the window. His eyes blinked in the big nails, longer than my fingers, that crawled up his neck to his ear, nudging the aid as I found comfort. The sweet smell of him consoled me, along with the low hum of his song, as he tried to block out Cedric, who, was again, in the hallway, singing his rotten heart out.

Long fingers spread across my back, and the mattress dipped with our combined weight.

“Are you sure you don’t want one?” His fingers were ready to choose a gummy bear for me. “It might help you sleep.”

I shook my head, gripping his fingers and flattening them to my spine.

“I...” he trailed off, his clothed chest warm against my naked body. “I think it will help.”

It wouldn’t, but the feel of his stubble against my neck, the tender touches of fingertips dancing up and down my spine, those little things, did help.

He placed a gentle kiss on my lips. His lips moved to my cheek, brushing over the tears trickling down my face, tasting my pain. “Do you need medical help instead? I can try to get a private doctor.”

I squeezed his ear, my fingers weaving around cartilage and curves harder than ever because I was hurting more than ever.

He didn’t flinch.

“I don’t want to see one of your doctors.” I’d had enough experience with those. I’d take my chances. “Don’t pretend you care, Remi.”

“I wish I didn’t.”

His face froze into a frown that would have looked so beautiful captured in a monotonal image. He pulled the piece of paper from our side and tucked it into my chest.

Remi’s hand had altered and perfected my drawing of Rhylie. His own memory had acted as the inspiration. Her dress wasn’t exact, but that was okay. My fingers drifted across the shading and strokes, slightly smudging her beauty with the sweat on my hands.

I stopped, tucking her back into my chest.

“You finished my drawing.”

“It’s funny I didn’t even remember what she looked like until I saw your picture. Then all I could see was the worry on her face when you couldn’t breathe.”

She looked worried now, while I, again, couldn’t breathe.

“Do you know where she is?”

“No.” His heart raced beneath my ear. “I’ve never had any contact with the girls or boys who are taken. My bosses arrange the after-parties that lead them in, but that’s it. They aren’t events that I go to. I only went with you because I wanted to spend time alone with you in my trailer. And I shouldn’t have done it.”

“Had alone time with me in your trailer? I’m glad you have regrets, too.”

“I don’t. I shouldn’t have taken you there. I should have told them you’d left.”

My eyes found his, seeing something real beneath the cloud of drugs.

