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“If I find this gun is fucking loaded, I’ll shove it up your ass and pull the fucking trigger.”

I squatted at Cedric’s side, my hand around his throat, causing big ugly bruises on his skin. “I need her alive. Do you understand me?”

He took a while to answer, probably because I blocked his ability to talk, but I only squeezed tighter.

“Answer me.”

His head tried to bob, his skin turning the only shade of pink I found ugly. I tossed him back to the dirt where he belonged, tarnishing his gray hair with mud.

“It was just to scare her!” He wheezed. “I have this…in case I couldn’t scare her into coming back.” He pulled a needle from his boot and held it up in the moonlight.

“What is it?”

He laughed through stuttered breaths. “Not your poison of choice, huh? It’s Rohypnol mixed with a dash of heroin. It would make her compliant.”

“It would knock her the fuck out!” I snatched the needle from his hand, getting a better look. The desire to push it through my skin taunted me.

The three blunts hadn’t done fuck all for me.

I needed something more. Something stronger.

Heroin was an old friend.

“Exactly. I wouldn’t kill her now that money is involved.” His words had me shoving the needle deep in my pocket, where dozens of little bears were to protect it.

His voice irritated me.

Fuck the fingerprints. I yanked the gun from my shoulder and whacked him across the head with it, knocking him out for the night.

Hungry steps swallowed the distance between me and Cat until I ran out of ground.

Tiny rocks ran down the mountain, escaping the toe of my boot. They stopped against Cat’s swollen wrist as she lay in inches of water, in an uncomfortable-looking position, at the bottom of a twenty-foot drop.

Careful steps took me closer to her, more gravel rushing down the steep decline and leading the way. I cleaned my prints from the gun as I walked.

Water droplets splashed her tanned skin, my boots creating mini waves as I stepped through the water to get to her.

I threw the gun, watching it fly through the air before sinking into deeper water. The dirty brown color hid it well.

Two fingers searched her neck for a pulse, and my lips curled a little as they felt a fierce little beating.

She was still alive.

Still the perfect fighter.

My fingers skated under her head, weaving through soaked hair, the fiery orange made darker by this swamp.

Water created spots on my clothes, inviting the night air to assault me as her soaked body melted against mine. The feel of every bone would put so many men off. But I wasn’t like most men. I didn’t care how she looked. Curvy, thin, it didn’t matter. I just fucking wanted her.

I was fucking obsessed with her, unable to think of anything else.

And besides, I was skinny now, too.

We were like two matchsticks rubbing together, creating so much heat...a fire in my blood that I couldn’t put out.

One foot moved in front of the other. She stirred in my arms, her head lolling into my chest, allowing the scent lingering on my skin to invade her dreams.

Long lashes fluttered, but her eyes stayed closed.
