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And then I hit the ground, and everything turned black.

Chapter 55


Ishouldn’t be here, again, wandering through a waft of trees, fast feet following behind her. I should be in my rental by now, feet up with that kitten she liked so much cuddled on my lap, demanding a share of whatever I’d eat tonight. But here I was, hunting her down, now that she’d dropped out of my view.

I was literally standing on the fucking porch, contemplating going back in and ridding all thoughts of Cedric from her mind, when she jumped from the window.

So brave…so stupid, because she’d be caught within the hour and probably punished, in one way or another.

But something was different with her tonight.

Listening to her in her room, I’d edged to the bathroom door, struggling not to charge in and demand to know what she was crying for and if I should kill her owner. If he’d gone back on his word of reserving her pussy for me.

But peeping through the gap of the door, I saw it was her tongue she was trying to clean, with nails scraping until she gagged.

She was vocal about her upset. I’d never heard her cry before, and it cracked something inside me, placing a pain in my chest that I couldn’t shake.

And fuck, was I shaking.

Maybe it was because of the strange feelings I had for Cat, or possibly, the result of taking fewer drugs.

I’d had too many close calls driving from this shithole. My already blurred eyes were assaulted on each journey by the blinding lights of asshole drivers and their shitty fucking cars with full beams.

I needed to limit myself.

I needed to be here, not in some grave or a hospital for weeks.

I needed to be close to her.

Once I forced myself from her room, from the house, getting all the way outside, my third joint of the night tried to help with the new feeling in my chest—which, I brushed off as anxiety—and failed. My chest still ached, and my fucked-up brain sent signals to my legs that almost had me walking back inside.

I still wanted to rid his taste…fill her mouth with something else.

That thought led to another, then another. To her permanently on her knees for me if she could only be mine. To her, open and spread, tied to the bed of this week’s rental.

Thoughts of how many positions I’d bend her into were interrupted when I saw her jump from that fucking window. Her fight encouraged her to run and me to follow. Her disobedience encouraged someone else, and he caught up quickly despite his short and skinny legs.

“Here, Kitty, Kitty, Kitty,” called Cedric, using the nickname he’d created from her actual name.

The lack of originality had me rolling my eyes, just like every other time I’d heard it as I wandered around the shadows of his home.

Cedric looked comical, running through the trees in nothing but the dirty towel hanging around his waist and busted-up work boots. A gun I’d seen collecting dust while in the closet in his room, was now slung over his shoulder. It shone under the moonlight, peeping down through gaps in the trees. A bullet from that gun would mean game over, no more time to play.

I couldn’t let that happen.

I swung my arm out, catching him in the throat as he ran by me. He dropped the gun, which still shone in the moonlight as I flung it over my shoulder. Long sleeves protected my anonymity, keeping my fingerprints off the weapon. I didn’t trust it hadn’t been fired at some point, killing something legally or illegally, and I didn’t need to be tied to it either.

Cedric lay on the ground, wheezing and staring at the stars above, the ones floating around his head, not the ones much higher in the black sky.

Pulling the gun back into my hands and pulling the trigger was a whole new temptation to fight. But he could keep his pathetic life because my entire career would be in the gutter if I took a trafficked woman home.

I couldn’t be out of the spotlight.

I needed my career and the attention I got from fans to fill something inside me that had been empty before them.

But...I needed that one fan more than anything. I needed her to stay here, where I could visit...regularly.
