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He got up. “Sorry, Kitty. You didn’t get to come, but it really is more about my pleasure.” He shook off his cock, splashes of his cum landing on my lips and the collar of my pajama top as he loomed over me.

My tears dripped into my mouth, adding to the salty taste of precum, sweat, and the musky flavor of ass still on my tongue.

“I won’t stay tonight. My bed is more comfortable. But you get some rest.”

He slipped out of the room, and I curled in on myself, sobs flooding from me. I fell from the bed, dragging myself to my bathroom. Stretching up, I turned the lever in the shower and waited for water to pelt me.

I scrubbed at my skin with shower gel and my own nails, and I collapsed into a heap when I still didn’t feel clean. Sticking my tongue out under the shower water, I scraped at the germs until I retched, vomiting all over myself. Tiny carrots mixed with stomach lining floated around me in the puddle until a tiny whirlpool sucked them down the drain.

I clawed out of my shirt, tossing the wet garment to the wall. It stuck for a second, then fell with a wet slap to the floor.

Tears rushed from me as my tongue moved back under the water.

Stress caused my heart to hurt, and each heavy rise and fall became painful.

A noise in my room hushed me, my weeping turning silent.

Had Cedric the monster returned?

I couldn’t be naked if he had. My hands caused a mini wave as I pushed myself up. My legs moved to the towel rail, and I gripped the biggest one, wrapping it around myself.

I stepped into my room, the lamp glowing brightly. No Cedric in sight, but the I Heart Remington bear sat on my bed with the others, including the pink bear. The smell of filth was replaced by something familiar, sweet and nutty, powerful and present.

Someone had been in my room.

I dressed, adding as many layers to my body as I could.

I heard Cedric out in the hallway, singing happy songs. Melancholy lyrics filled my own head, but I refused to sing them.

I stripped the bed. All the stuffed bears flew through the air in my haste to get the sheets off and replace them with fresh ones from my closet. I wasted no time in there, getting what I needed before stepping out.

The sheets were brighter now, matching the last bear I put back on top of them.

I wedged a chair from my pretty pink dresser beneath my door knob, checking it was secure before I crawled in bed and cried again, promising myself this wasn’t forever as I felt the tracker in my neck.

I couldn’t find it.

Pulling the chain on my lamp, I let the darkness in. I reached into my drawer and pulled out my poorly done drawing of Rhylie into my chest, holding it close.

“I really need you right now, Sissy. I hope you’re okay. Wherever you are. I’m so sorry.”

The room was silent except for the ticking of the clock. The little hand had gone around so many times that I could no longer look at it without risking being hypnotized. My eyes wandered to the door, fluttering closed every other second and growing heavier with each new passing minute.

But I couldn’t sleep here.

The nightmares wouldn’t rival my new reality.

Silent tears dropped to the carpet as my feet padded across to the armoire, and I bent and put on multiple pairs of socks, stuffing my drawing of Rhylie down along my ankle.

My time here was done.

Silent feet moved to the window. The tightness of the socks almost cut off my circulation. Starting with my legs, I pushed my body through. One hand and my elbow held me up. Lowering myself was difficult. Too difficult. My elbow slipped from the window ledge. My feet slipped from the wooden structure of the house. My body slammed into it, making too much noise as only one hand held my entire weight.

“Shit!” I whisper-shouted.

Pounding feet rushed down the hallway. The doorknob jiggled, but it was jammed. My heart raced as something started slamming into the wooden door. My stomach dropped, and my body followed as my fingers peeled back from the ledge.

Like an actual cat, I landed on my feet, and the fluffy socks did help with cushioning the impact. But it still hurt, and a small wince faded into the noise of nightlife, mixed with the sound of birds of prey and their supper.
