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Tears loaded in my eyes, and I gagged again but kept my tongue moving so he wouldn’t notice.

“Tell me it’s big.” He groaned, sounding like he was in agony.

I let him fall from my mouth to my hand and told him what he wanted to hear.

Sweet lies.

I used my hand to drive him closer to release.

“You’re so big, Cedric. So hard.” The words were flat and robotic—forced out my mouth as my mind shut down.

“Does it make you wet?”

“Yes,” I lied, then shoved him back in my mouth before my false statements encouraged him to a different hole.

Better my mouth...than anywhere else.

I licked his shaft and circled the head with only the tip of my tongue. The taste, so strong and sickening, that I had to remove my mouth once more.

“Get up here,” he ordered.

I clawed my way up onto the bed, my legs shaking too much to try and make a run for it.

He pushed me down and hovered over my face like some kind of backward sixty-nine. His hairy balls hit my lips, and I cursed them for being pouty.

My head turned to the side, only dragged back to his awful ballsack and furry ass when he yanked down my pajama bottoms, my underwear, too, and tossed them both to the floor.

“Suck my balls, Kitty, and purr.” His mouth wrapped around my clit, sucking too hard. His fingers, two of them—both dirty—stabbed into my dry vagina as he bucked his balls against my face.

“Suck them. Suck ‘em real good,” he said, with my clit pinched between the teeth he still had.

I sucked his balls, my tongue moving around as much as possible, trying to avoid the sweaty taste and prevent the saggy things from pushing on the back of my throat and making me choke. A pubic hair caught between my teeth, ripped out from the root, got stuck between my incisors, and felt uncomfortable.

“Arghhh...put your hands on my cock and play with it.” Another moan of pain or pleasure.

I wrapped my fingers around him, moving up and down, desperate to get this over with.

“I’m gonna come soon.”

He stabbed into me harder, his dirty nails scratching my insides with each thrust. I winced each time, vibrating against his ballsack.

I didn’t think it was possible for this to get worse. Discomfort took over, my body writhing beneath him on the bed, everything but one hand, and my mouth was motionless.

But then he pulled his balls from my mouth, and with urgency, he rushed out the words, “Now, my ass. Now, my ass.”

Absolutely not!

The choice wasn’t mine. The fingers that tasted like dirt and my own vagina pried open my mouth and gripped my tongue, holding it out.

I screamed, the noise muffled by his tight fingers.

He sat on it, his loose hole opening too easily before I could turn my head.

He bounced once, twice, three times, four, and then he shot all over himself, collapsing onto my face, his dirty ass stopping me from fucking breathing.

And I didn’t want to fucking breathe.

It felt like hours, each slow second ticking by. The clock that resembled a bright pink bunny ticked away slowly in my ears.
