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It would sound fucking beautiful, hearing him say it in the heights of passion in his sexy drawl.

His fingers tightened, and my mouth opened wide. He licked my tongue, coating it in his taste. I sucked him into my mouth and bucked my hips, every feeling amplified as my sensitivity levels exploded.

I needed him.

I reached between us, encouraging him to do it—to push all the way inside me. He liked me taking control. He liked the feeling of me leaking down his shaft in such desperation because I had to have him.

He moaned, and I swallowed that, wanting to keep a part of him forever.

He angled his hips, and then…

Buzz, buzz.

“Fuck off!”

The phone continued.

Buzz, buzz. It didn’t stop. This time, it was ringing.

He leaned over and gripped it to turn it off. The inches inside me slipped out, and he stopped dead, seeing twenty-six unread messages that we had somehow tuned out while lost in our excitement. Frustration fell over his face. His head dropped back, giving the perfect angle for my mouth to caress his throat. I grinded along the length of his cock as I layered each kiss along his throat and jawline.

Pressing the button and putting the phone to his ear, he screamed, “What the fuck do you want, Daniel!”

I felt every word.


My speaker was quiet, not allowing Cat to hear Daniel say, “You guys, here. Now. People are fucking waiting. The limo will be outside for you in a second. Do not waste more time. As I said, people are waiting.”

“Right. Right, of course, they are.” My eyes rolled, and it wasn’t because of all the great fucking things Cat was doing, all the little noises she made as she slid along my cock.

Her hot mouth made its way up to my ear, her tongue edging around the rim had a low hum seeping through my lips.

“I have to transport the other girls. Now, your little whore will have four of those fuckers to deal with because you think with your dick. So, I hope, for her sake, you’ve managed to stretch her out. Though they are expecting a fucking virgin.”

I hesitated, contemplating my next move.

“Well, maybe we just don’t come. Maybe I’ll keep Cat for myself.”

I liked that idea. She liked it, too, telling me so as she kissed me harder. My cock hit her clit as she slid over me. We both moaned into the phone.

“That isn’t happening, Remi. Be outside in two fucking minutes.”

“And if I refuse to come?”

“You know that isn’t an option. Don’t risk both of our careers and lives for one taste of fucking pussy, especially when you could be licking someone else’s tomorrow, and believe me, they all taste the fucking same.”

Friction assaulted her clit, and her body shuddered in my lap, all while I listened to whatever Daniel rambled on about, not taking any of it in because Cat’s moans were getting louder and louder.

Ignoring the call, I tilted my head and slipped my tongue into her mouth. Her whole body tightened in my lap. She screamed, biting my tongue, so lost in the moment, she forgot to use my name.

I pulled back, ruining her moment when I stopped kissing her needy mouth and said the next words, “We’ll be right there.”

I still wanted more, even as she collapsed against my chest.

She wanted the same—time alone.

She edged her hips forward, seeing if she could entice me.
