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Your blood the aphrodisiac.

It gets me high,

And I come alive.”

One of my fingers weaved through my pussy lips, subconsciously slipping inside as I imagined all the times I fantasized of him doing it. They moved as I did. I turned for him, my dress rising to reveal more than my thighs as I danced to the tune in my head.

“Oh, fuck. Get over here,” he demanded, waving two fingers my way.

“Come and sit on these.” My whole body clenched at the command, turning wet and loose and ready for him.

I sashayed towards him and pounced on his lap. He gripped my hand and sucked my arousal off my fingers. Arousal filled my nostrils. His. Mine. Ours.

His phone buzzed again. Another message pinged on the screen. We ignored it.

His fingers disappeared beneath the hem of my dress, traipsing over my naked pelvis.

“I wasn’t expecting curls. I thought you’d have a landing strip or an I heart Remi heart.”

I laughed. “If that was what you wanted, you brought the wrong person home with you tonight.”

He laughed, too, and it sounded more genuine than anything else I’d heard from him tonight.

The phone buzzed again. The third time was the charm to get my attention. I looked over to the table where it sat. Next to the bottle of alcohol that I could now see was champagne.

“Fucking ignore it.”

And I did because that was the exact second Remi’s fingers touched my clit. He rubbed, and I rocked again, wondering what it would feel like if those fingers sank lower and dipped inside me. I bucked my hips, but he didn’t need the encouragement.

His fingers trailed down until wetness coated the tips. “Already fucking soaked for me.”

“Yes,” I whimpered.

His middle finger—much thicker than mine—slipped beyond my pussy lips, an inch disappearing inside me. I clutched his shoulders as he pushed in deeper, not used to feeling anything that thick down there.

I squeezed him as he slid the digit all the way inside me. My mouth touched his, gentle lips begging for kisses when he pumped once, twice.

“Breathe,” he coaxed.

I nodded before forcing out the words. “Not too hard. It’s my first time.”

Our faces were still so close, allowing many questions to drift from his gaze to mine. I breathed him in, and he kissed me, his tongue still tasting like the little bear and me.

He angled his finger, inserting another and rubbing something inside me that had me squealing with pleasure down his throat as he kissed me harder. He swallowed my moan and fed off it, pumping harder and harder. I ground down against him.

I tugged at his shirt, wanting it off. Wanting my hard nipples, still spilling out of my dress, brushing his hot skin. And before I knew it, his T-shirt was on the floor, and my breasts were back in his face, his tongue teasing them equally. He pulled his fingers free, angling his cock to my wet entrance. The shiny head, prominent and glistening with precum, rubbed through my folds. He pushed in the first inch.

He didn’t ask about protection, and it felt too good for me to care.

He pushed in another inch, and any second, he’d push through my hymen, stealing my virginity.

“Kiss me,” I was begging again.

His tongue returned to my mouth. His fingers squeezed my cheeks. He broke off our kiss to say, “Tell me your name, pretty redhead. I need to know what to call out when you start screaming for me.”

“Cat. Catharina Sutter.”

“Fucking beautiful.”
