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I ducked beneath the bar and rushed to keep up with Remi’s long legs.

“Track four. Album eight!” Remi instructed the drummer.

A familiar beat led us to the center of the stage.

My song.

The one thing that always brought me peace.

It’s not going to be as bad as you think, I tried to convince myself. He might not know her as Rhylie. She could have another name like Aribella.

The guitarist eyed me a little too hungrily. Jealously sprang, making Remi stiff as he pulled me in front of him to adjust himself discretely.

His scent stayed wrapped around me, nutty and sweet, tainted by perspiration that caused his T-shirt to cling to each ab.

“I get the feeling you’re mad at me for some reason, but fuck, you look hot tonight.”

I turned to him, private words coming out. “Do you love me?”

“More than anything.”

“Your friend at Beyond Heaven—”

“I love her, too.”

My back straightened, and the pain caused my shoulders to pull back.

“But not in the same way. Like I love Jolie. She’s just a friend. I promise you.”

“Promise me you’ll talk about her.”

“I promise. Let me talk to her, and I’ll tell you anything.”

I nodded, his words sounding true to my ears. Or was he just that good a liar?

“Now, we really do have to get back to the show.”

“I thought I was more important?”

“You are, but you’ll have me all night. Want to fuck a rockstar later?” He laughed, but he sounded different, sensing something was off. I could feel it...feel only that and the aching in every limb and my heart.

Tingles shot down my arm to where we were joined, our hands still linked. My hand felt heavy in his, and the constant ache in my chest was worsening.

“Ladies and gentlemen, my apologies for the delay, but we have a guest I wasn’t expecting to see here tonight.” He took my hand to his mouth and left another soft kiss on my knuckles. “This is my beautiful wife, Catharina.” There was something about the glimmer in his eyes as he looked at me, something about being on the stage with him, it brought back memories, and those memories stabbed into my heart and crippled me.

I reached for my chest.

“Are you okay?” Remi caught me as my legs turned soft, unable to hold my weight.

I blinked, and we were on the floor together.

“Cat?…Cat?…Talk to me, Dream.”

Shadows drifted in and blocked out the bright lights. The guitarist loomed over me, his pretty pink guitar missing from his hands. The other band members, too. So many fast words moved to Remi, not entering his ears or mine. Dec was here, too, shouting something to someone in the distance.

I heard none of it.

All I heard was… “Talk to me, Dream.”
