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I took a sip of water, tossing the empty bottle to the side.

The drums continued, and I brought the mic to my lips as something moved in my peripheral vision. Something beautiful.


She’d asked if she could come when we were at the beach. I’d told her no, using her heart as a painful excuse.

I thought it had worked.

But there she was, her hands wrapping around the bar that separated the VIPs from me. Dec stood at her side, concern causing lines on his face.

Slow feet dragged me in front of them, the crowded place becoming a blur. All I saw was her.

“Hey, you.” I tucked Cat’s damp hair behind her ear.

For one second, it didn’t matter that I hadn’t wanted her here. My heart raced from seeing her supporting me on the sideline like it always should have been. The pounding in my chest increased at her effortless beauty in a black hoodie.



“I told you not to come. It’s too busy. Too crowded. You could get bumped.”

“Luckily, I’m not made of glass.”

I side-glanced Dec, standing with his arm around her, that concern still there.

I didn’t feel whatever it was that was bothering him. The unshakable jealousy was too strong. My cock hardened, and I hated it. I knew what they had was a friendship. Nothing more.

“It took us ages to convince the doormen to let us in, seeing as neither of us had tickets. Luckily, one was a real fan and recognized Cat from the wedding photos, or we’d still be outside in the rain. She really wanted to see you.”

Those words wiped all rationality from my thoughts. “I’m glad you disobeyed me and showed up here.” I winked, but she didn’t respond the way I expected.

Her lips were void of a smile, the expression flatter than Dec’s hair.

Her eyes wandered, stalling on the crowd. “Go finish your show. We can talk later.”

“Should I be worried?” I already was.

“No,” she lied to me, and it fucking bothered me. “Go. They’re waiting for you.” She practically shooed me.

“You’re more important than them.” I flashed a cheeky smile, my fraying confidence in us hidden behind it. I felt something between us, separating us, and it wasn’t the fucking bar she still clutched. “Come out with me?”

“I’m not much of a singer.”

“Yeah, I know,” I laughed again in a pitiful attempt to block my nerves. “But that never stopped you before.”

I captured her face and forced my lips on hers, and the mic echoed the sound of our lips slapping together through the stadium.

To my surprise, she kissed me back. I tasted her confusion, thick and laced with pain. Her pretty eyes were on me and glassy when mine fluttered open.

“Whatever it is—whatever is bothering you—” I tried again, ignoring the sound of the crowd, the drums, and the daggers to the back of my head from the guitarist I wanted to flip off.

“I’m probably overthinking it. Don’t stress. I want you to give them a good show. I’m sure my song will calm me down, if I haven’t already missed it.” Her smile was false.

But she took my hand, allowing me to kiss her knuckles and whisper, “You haven’t.”

