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There had to be a reason as to why he’d keep her from me.

Maybe he didn’t know?

I had to know.

I closed my eyes, only opening them when a rush of feet approached.

“What are you doing out here?” Dec stood over me, his shadow creating darkness as the sun began to dip in the sky. “Did I leave my phone in the car?” He answered himself when he looked inside and saw it on the passenger seat. “Apparently.”

“Can you take me to Remi?”

“The venue is over an hour away. He could be on stage before we get there.”

That wasn’t the answer I wanted.

“Are you okay? Shall I call Ollie?”

I didn’t want Ollie, either.

“Please, Dec. Please take me to Remi now.”

Chapter 41


Nothing really changes. Time moves, but that was it.

I eyed the six girls lined up in the VIP section, all of them somehow in silver dresses and sneakers. Then, the men who’d introduced themselves to me, like I couldn’t remember them from years ago, who stood nearby.

They were friends of Daniel’s and were happy to fill in his role tonight.

Nerves knotted in my stomach as the Voodoo Dolls came to the end of their final song. Them playing here was another kick to the crotch because I’d have chosen anyone else.

They moved off stage, each woman smiling at me as they passed me by. Sen was last, she stopped, her hands wrapping around my tightly folded arms.

“Relax, you’re a pro.”

I nodded, swallowing down the nerves that were worse now than they were this morning at the interview, which felt like a waste of my time.

I glanced at my phone, the lack of signal pissing me off.

“You’ll be fine.” She squeezed me and drifted off.

“Sen.” I careened, and she did the same, turning to the sound of my voice, her long dark hair sashaying behind her. “Thank you for what you said to the police. I appreciate that.”

“It was the truth. We never went to after-parties.”

“All the same, it helped. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. And congratulations on the wedding. Did you marry your fangirl?” Sen laughed, but it didn’t show the malice it would have years back. “I think I vaguely remember her.”

“I did.”

“She looked beautiful. And you look good. Healthy. I’m happy for you. Enjoy your night. I’m gonna hang around to watch the show, so if the crowd wants our duet later, I’ll be lurking. But it might not get the same desire now that we don’t sleep together.”

She walked off before I could voice a reply, and I was fucking glad because there was no way I could answer without offending her.

Stagehands pottered around, moving the Voodoo Dolls’ shit and replacing it with mine.
