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“That’s a shame.”

“He doesn’t like her not seeing anyone. Has Feebee been up today?”

“Not yet. But she is in and usually comes like clockwork around four.”

“Oh, in that case, would you mind if I checked on her? So, Mr. Cole can quit nagging us. Mr. Segarra is downstairs if you want to clarify if this is okay. Mr. Castleton and my Woodrow are somewhere here, too, looking for the dog that got out.”

“They’ve just found him. Security was alerted. Damn German Shepherd. He’s all well and good, and as you know, Jolie, Mr. Heaven—your Woodrow—has already given you full access to this building.” The woman—Gladys—said with a smile, pushing her glasses back up her nose as they neared the tip. “You can visit anyone.”

“Do I need a passcode?”

“Not for this room. She was moved about a week ago. The nurses are happy with her progress, and because of that, she’s been given a little more freedom. We didn’t think keeping her in the padded room was fair, so she’s now in a free staff bedroom. She’ll be down with everyone to sleep once we address the space issue. Her room is down on the right, the last door.”

“Thank you. I’ll only be a few minutes, just to give him some peace of mind. By the way, this is Catharina Cole. Mr. Cole’s new wife.”

“I did see the papers. Mr. Cole didn’t look too pleased with the paparazzi.”

Jolie stepped aside, and Gladys looked over me, a big smile on her face. “But you looked very beautiful.”

“Thank you.” Compliments were still hard for me.

I followed Jolie to the room, my fingers wrapping around her arm as she was about to open the door.

“Maybe we shouldn’t,” I whispered. “If she’s high risk—was high risk—I don’t want her to relapse.”

“It’s your call.”

“I don’t know. I want to, but—” But I didn’t want to hurt this woman, and the internal push and pull of what to do was causing me pain. Actual physical pain that made my limbs feel heavy and my heart ache.

“What if she’s more than a friend? I think I’ll have a heart attack.” My hand was already on my chest, clawing at the flesh.

“You’ll have one anyway if you don’t calm down.”

I couldn’t.

“Cat, calm down. Slow breaths, in and out.”

I sucked in air and waved my hand, encouraging her to push the door open and reveal the room.

The room was bright pink—Remi’s favorite. A TV sat high on the wall, a cartoon playing, gifting a glow about the room. A vague memory popped into my head, invading my worries. It featured the dog on TV, solving mysteries. No sound interrupted as Jolie sat down on a bedside chair, the cartoon on mute.

I walked over to the girl, pained by each step. My heart felt like it was breaking. I had so many questions.

And no one to ask.

She lay there asleep, long blonde hair fanning the pillow beneath her head. She had a patch over one eye, and the inside of her mouth was a black hole, teeth missing, maybe her tongue, too.

Jolie shared my sympathetic stare.

“I don’t think it’s romantic. Maybe she just clutched to him, and he let her have that because she has no one.”

“She must have been hurt so badly.” I wheezed, squeezing my arm, that felt a little numb.

“Are you okay?” Jolie’s concern brought her to her feet. “Sit down.”

“I’m fine. I just…I feel affected by her. I don’t know what it is.” Tears ran down my face, my emotional stress begging Jolie to come over and wrap her arms around me. “I felt this way with Remi. Do you think I know her?”

“I don’t know. Maybe you crossed paths once upon a time.”
