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Ollie pulled into a parking bay reserved for him. He was the first one out of the car, and both of us girls followed. He’d dropped Woodrow and Dec off at the road leading in, as that was closer to the trees and where they’d hopefully find Klaus. Jolie had stayed behind with us, parting with Woodrow after a quick kiss because she feared she’d slow him down. She had a permanent leg injury, and I’d never questioned the slight limp until now, as I silently wondered how she got it.

I picked up my pace, staying close to Ollie just as he’d asked, following his feet as they took giant steps towards the building that looked nothing like a hospital and more like a giant version of the most spectacular Georgian Manor.

I’d never taken the time to appreciate this place. Previously, guilt and fear had overshone the pink rose vines falling from windows, entwined around beautiful trellises. The porch, surrounded with nude pebbles, harbored benches and swings that overlooked a gentle stream where ducks had chosen to swim.

It was a place of peace and beauty.

A forever for those who never made it.

A rest stop for those who did.

Trees in the distance called out to me, placing hints of eerie memories in my mind.

I heard the heavy feet again as they rushed up behind me.

I heard myself begging, please stop! Please!

I slammed into Ollie’s back, not realizing he’d stopped. It yanked me from the memory, and I blinked the reminders away.

“Shoot! Sorry.”

He turned, big hands steadying me as I wobbled. “You’re good. Where’s Jolie?”

I careened, my hair blowing in the breeze, distorting the view of Jolie, still at the car, staring into the distance.

“Ah, shit. I should have parked round back.”

As Remi did, Remi always parked around back.

“What is she looking at?”

“A grave. I’ll go get her.”

“It’s okay.” I caught Ollie by the arm, creasing his sleeve. “I’ll get her, and we’ll follow you in. Maybe she needs a moment.”

Ollie’s answer was delayed, his pondering stare on me the whole time. “I can’t.”

“It’s safe here though, right?”

“Yeah, but—”

“She needs a minute.”

She needed more than a minute.

“We won’t be too long. We’ll follow you in. We aren’t captives anymore, Ollie.”

He let out a heavy breath, and I watched the fog leave his mouth, which told me he was cold. “Promise me you won’t leave the grounds. I don’t need the earache or the injuries I’ll get off both of the boys if something happens to you—” he stopped himself. “You know what, I’ll wait. It’s fine.”

“We’re fine, Ollie. Woodrow is literally right there. Dec, too.” My finger aimed at the trees. “Just tell me where to find you.”

“The reception desk will direct you. Tell them I asked for someone to bring you to me.”

“Got it. Thank you.” What was I even thanking him for? Trust? I guess so.

I was the first to step away, Ollie’s eyes moving with me on the short journey back to Jolie. He didn’t enter the building yet.

“Is someone special over there?” I sided up next to Jolie, treading carefully because I didn’t know every painful detail of her past.
