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Tears fell again…over the Decoy—Remi. He didn’t like me at all.

“She’s good with her hands.” The docile dog was off again, nodding her head, her tongue out. I hated her and her creepy, too-innocent outfit.

“Maybe that’s what it is.” Rothbart smiled, pulling his cock out of me.

My eyes fluttered closed at the stupidest time.

He pulled the long pipe, breaking it apart from the vacuum, and my eyes sprung open as I screamed, feeling the tear of my labia against sharp plastic. He scratched my internal walls by shoving the pipe three inches inside me.

“Should have taken my cock, you stupid slut.”

I struggled to breathe, and not because Candee was intentionally choking me on the heel down my throat that had slipped from my teeth.

Rothbart stood, accepting a jar from Joseph, and my eyes bugged, ready to pop out of their sockets when I saw what was inside.

A black rat stood on its back legs inside the jar, his tiny hands flattening to the glass. The tiny creature’s beady eyes met mine, sharing a moment of sympathy for each other.

No. No. No. No.

This couldn’t happen...

Please, God. Don’t let this happen.

The ceiling stared down at me, and I got no guidance from God as my tears soaked the rug and I choked on sobs.

Rothbart unscrewed the cap, freeing the small rodent into the pipe. He stepped back, keeping a hand on the pipe, and laughed. The man at his side laughed, too. Then Joseph. Then Candee. Everyone but me.

“Turn that off. Let’s enjoy her struggle.”

The man at his side did as he asked, and they became privy to each of my whimpers and every squeak the rat made as it edged closer to my most intimate part.

Tiny nails scratched at the vacuum pipe, getting closer to the part of the pipe that was inside of me.

I couldn’t handle it. I’d rather die.

I wrenched myself up while they were in a fit of giggles, making sure I scratched Candee’s insides with the fingers that were still inside her.

Her laughing became screaming, the distraction I needed as I yanked the pipe from Rothbart’s loose grip, the rat falling to the ground with a squeak. It landed on its feet, rushing off and narrowly avoiding Joseph’s dirty boot as he slammed it down in an attempt to end the poor creature’s life. I jabbed the pipe into Rothbart’s larynx. The greasy one was next to take my abuse—a bruise given the same place as his father.

Joseph blocked the doorway with his heavy frame. The jagged vacuum pipe brought him down when I stabbed it into his crotch.

I pushed him from my path, his hands on his cock when he should have been reaching for me.

I rushed to the door, the squeaking creature moving with me. I yanked it open, losing the animal to the grass after it scurried over the porch. My legs, with trails of blood on the inside of my thighs, moved to follow, but a pain in my head yanked me backward, back into the house.

It was Rothbart’s fingers, again, wrapped around my hair.

I screamed.

Music played in my ears, overpowering my own sound—Remi’s song. It cut through my nightmare, slicing Rothbart to pieces.

I screamed, my eyes springing open. I shot up on the couch and saw a small creature staring at me. Its back was up, and its fur was bushed out.

“Shadow.” I choked on the kitten’s name.

I couldn’t catch my breath, and the fear of another chest pain terrified me.

I heard the song again, Remi’s melodic sound coming from beside me. His arms banded tight, wrapping around me as he pulled me on top of him.
