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I never thought I’d cry for Cedric, but tears rolled down my cheeks at the idea of now surviving these people.

“Another weak one, my love. Shall we see if we can find her fight?” Rothbart smiled as he stood above me. The man was huge, surely a giant.

Candee bobbed her head rapidly, her tongue hanging out of her mouth like a docile dog. I clamped my lips together, trapping the cries inside, and I gripped her heel as her small body forced her whole weight down on my ribs.

Big hands flipped me over, and the heel ripped through my flesh, the tiny woman twisting her ankle and falling away.

I screamed until my throat turned dry.

Glass shattered in the room as Rothbart’s sons—the men who’d transported me here—entered the room with bats that broke crystal ornaments and china figurines of naked women. How symbolic to the girls like me.

I shuddered, every bone vibrating beneath my skin.

I couldn’t look at their unneeded anger.

Rothbart—more familiar with physically tormenting women, sat between my parted legs, his cock out, his hand stroking it.

Tears fell again as I blinked, my breaths coming fast, then not at all, then fast again. My chest shot to the ceiling with each gasp for air as he pushed my legs wider, his dirty nails digging into my skin.

Candee captured my hands upon me trying to fight back...fight like they wanted.

One of Rothbart’s sons, a greasy-looking thing in plaid, moved to my side, holding my legs for his father. The other disappeared.

“Fuck her real hard, Rothbart. Make her scream.” Candee laughed, like she could, somehow, enjoy him doing this to me.

They leaned over me, one at each end, and shared a kiss.

I underestimated how fucking whacked she was until she slumped on her ass, scooting forward, and moved my hands to her pussy, already wet, because she was getting off on this.

She ripped my fingers from a tight fist, forcing two of them inside her with a gasp before she rambled on about how tight she was.

I heaved, tasting vomit in the back of my throat before it was replaced with the metallic taste of blood.

Candee’s dirty heel pressed into a tonsil, causing me to gag and choke.

“Joseph!” Rothbart screamed, his saliva pelting my body. “Get in here and clean this shit up!”

Joseph returned with the vacuum. He had a long pipe in his hand while a red canister with a painted smiley face and a missing wheel hobbled behind him.

The noise from the vacuum sucking up glass shards drowned out my stress as Rothbart’s bulbous penis head neared my pussy.

I clamped up, hating the feel of the first inch forcing its way inside me, hating the second one even more.

“You don’t want this cock?” His Georgian accent was fake, like his teeth, which were whiter than they should be.

Hate flashed in my eyes. I felt it there and everywhere else.

“You don’t have to take it right now. Shake your head, and I’ll stop.”

Men didn’t stop. They just took what they wanted.

All of my attention was on Rothbart, seeing him through blurred vision as he pushed another inch inside me, taking what he wanted.

Candee screamed, faking the orgasm she claimed my fingers gave her.

I couldn’t take it anymore. My teeth clamped on the six inches in my mouth, preventing the dirty heel from ripping open my cheek, and I shook my head. My eyes were on Rothbart, begging, please, no more inches.

“Ah, you party pooper. Can’t imagine why the Decoy likes you so much.”
