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But I’ll never be whole. I’m not sure I ever have been.

“That’s why we have other halves, my darling.”

You really do love her.

“More than anything.”

I need you to look after her for me. I know you think she’s strong, but every memory could come flooding back one day. I know her. She’ll push you away because of me. You can’t let that happen.

Rhylie ripped out a note and handed it over to me, her pad getting thinner with each message.

“I haven’t broken any promises to you yet, have I?”

She shook her head, a tear falling down her cheek. “What if it kills her, all those awful memories at once? What if they kill her?”

She didn’t use the pad, and I could barely understand her, but I knew what she said because her fear was my fear.

I moved to the window, scooping her from the cushion and into my lap. She didn’t fight me, accepting all my touches as I smoothed her hair.

“Then I’m sorry, but I won’t see you anymore. If she dies, I die.”

Rhylie reached for her notepad because she couldn’t bring herself to say the words.

Can heart surgery save her?

“Fuck, I hope so.”

Rhylie’s tears soaked through my hoodie.

“When I texted Rodregez about her the day after the wedding, I told him everything. He advised getting her seen and not waiting until next week. He also mentioned that if she has any further complications, surgery to resolve them might be difficult, and we should potentially think about putting her on a transplant list. Cat, being Cat, point blank, refused to see anyone until he’s home. Any fucking excuse to put it off. I don’t like that idea, either, but I like it a whole lot more than her not existing anymore. Maybe I should have forced her to see a doctor to get a second opinion, but I didn’t. And I’ve been stressed since. I’ll book an appointment with Novaletti to run an ECG. I’ll hunt him down on the way out. I’ll bring her in tomorrow.”

Chapter 36


Irolled to a stop in my driveway, breathing heavily enough to fog my windshield. Novaletti had agreed to see Cat, and that helped with my nerves...slightly. I still favored Rodregez.

I left the van in the driveway. That was what I’d been driving these past few days. My truck no longer smelled like death, but the paparazzi knew every detail of it.

There was no other option but the junkyard. But every time I thought of taking it, Cat’s image filled my mind—her legs over my shoulders and her hand raking through my hair.

Fuck...I couldn’t wait for her to feel better to...I let that thought trail off, entering my house to the familiar words of one of my songs—my least favorite one.

Kicking off my shoes, I stepped into the kitchen.

“Please, don’t sing that shit, Jolie. It’s very unnerving.” I smiled, picking an apple from the fruit bowl and taking a bite. “Where’s Cat?”

Dec stepped up behind me, returning from his room with his phone. “They’ve been at it all day. She and the little wife, though she doesn’t know the words.” He rolled his eyes like he was sick of hearing the damn thing.

“Where is she?” I asked again, turning back to Jolie and Woodrow, who were cooking together at the stove.

“She went to shower,” Jolie said between the song lyrics.

I nodded, grateful that she could now tolerate being naked long enough to wash.

“And Ollie?” That was directed more towards Dec.

“I have a few missed calls from him. We seriously need to get a house phone.” He glanced down at his phone, his eyes scanning a dozen texts.
