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You should have told her everything first. She’ll be so hurt if she remembers you were involved.

“You agreed it was unsafe,” I reminded her, kicking one foot over my other knee.

Did you at least tell her about your childhood?

“She knows bits. Gory details aren’t needed.”

Details are always needed. Details are why I forgave you.

“Now isn’t the time. She had some pains in her heart over the weekend. Rodregez is out of town, or I’d have had her seen by now.” It had been too many days. Fucking five of them—the same number of days that I hadn’t seen Rhylie for.

How bad?

“It scared us both. I’ll be getting her seen as soon as he’s back. She actually has an appointment with him next week.”

Mercer is here.

“He isn’t Rodregez.” I cocked an eyebrow.

He’s better.

“I like Rodregez.”

Mercer was good enough to see your brother with the pretty eyes.

I really did tell this damn woman too much. Too much about me, about my childhood, about my family. She knew more than Cat, for fuck’s sake.

“My brother with the pretty eyes is happily engaged.”

I’m no one’s future, Remi. I can still admire.

“You do, often. That’s why you like Novaletti, with whom you’re on a first-name basis.”

He’s also happily betrothed.

Rhylie’s shoulders lifted and fell, and she quickly penned another message.

I just want Cat healthy, and for you to do whatever it takes to make her happy.

“Seeing you would make her happy.”

No. Not when I look like this.

“You’re her sister, and she loves you.”

She doesn’t remember me.

“I think she’s starting to. Please, think about it?”

I think of her all the time, and I wish I could see her, but I can’t.

Look how beautiful she is.

Rhylie flashed me the photo of Cat and me. “She’s perfect. But her beauty doesn’t take away yours.”

No. Other people did that.

“Your soul is still beautiful, babe. Your eye is a beautiful color. We can arrange something to be done so you won’t have to wear that patch forever, and we can get the dentist to take care of your mouth just as soon as you’re ready to let him touch you.”
