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“You may now kiss the bride,” spoke the officiant—a woman in an ivory suit that matched her skin tone.

My lips were on Cat’s before the woman stopped talking, my tongue teasing the seam as I lifted her from the ground.

Long legs wrapped around my waist, holding her close. A laugh crept out against her mouth.

“You still good, my girl?”

She nodded, pretty eyes twinkling as she kissed me again with her eyes open—always with her eyes open.

My arms wrapped around her, fingers spreading on her back, holding her, and this moment so close to my racing heart—that no longer felt black.

We signed our forms, making all this official. Along with the rings I had made—hers fit perfectly with the one marking our engagement. My need for this to be legally binding and not some farce was one of the reasons for our delay. Not everyone needed paperwork to say someone belonged to them, but I did, and it took me a while to hunt things down.

I had no regrets about waiting. I’d learned things about her that neither of us knew. She was a Taurus baby, and she had the traits—warm-hearted, nature-loving, patient…fucking stubborn.

Walking back down the aisle, or rather, the garden path, hand in hand, our rings glistened.

Her little skip had my long legs rushing to keep up.

“Don’t rush, Dream.” Don’t do anything that will put extra pressure on your heart.

I pulled her back as she tried to pull me forward, and she fell into my chest, where she patted me with a gentle slap.

“I’m just excited. Don’t be a party pooper.”

“I’m just concerned. That pain in your chest was scary.”

“For me, too.” She brushed away a long strand of hair that fell into my eyes. “But I feel okay now.”

Well, that makes one of us.

She stretched on her toes to place a kiss along my jawline. Then, her skip led us out from the privacy of this venue before I could pull up my hood, to a dozen flashing cameras, all waiting at the gates.

What the fuck!

The constant flashing of lights almost blinded me. Microphones being waved in my face pissed me off and confused Cat. My name—my full fucking name—was on the lips of so many reporters.

Someone working here must have leaked about the wedding because no one saw us enter.

“Remington Cole, are you excited for the big show next weekend?”

“Remington Cole, who is your new bride?”

My new bride looked fucking terrified as her pashmina slipped from her shoulders and landed on the ground. The flash of a camera captured the gaping of her dress as she leaned forward. I stepped in front of her, wanting to hide her from the world. Protect her from the vultures that resided in it...all different kinds of them, including paparazzi.

Wide eyes questioned me as she fumbled to knot her cover-up.

“I’ll explain everything.” I helped her secure her cover-up.

She nodded, trusting me to do that. I didn’t deserve her, but it was too late now. I’d never let her go.

With that thought in mind, I pulled her body into mine and guided us away. My fingers covered the lens of an old-school giant camera that fascinated Cat a little too much when it got closer to our faces.

“I love that camera,” she whispered to herself.

I didn’t love it. And I didn’t love the old creep it belonged to, either. He’d annoyed me since the start of my career.

“Get that the fuck away,” I warned, shoving the camera hard enough to leave a ring around his eye. “This is a private fucking moment.”
