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A sly giggle slipped from my lips. “Get up.” Offering him a hand, I helped him from the floor.

He pulled my new dress from the hanger, and amongst the laughing and cheeky comments, he helped me step into the beautiful A-line gown.

“Isn’t it bad luck to see the bride in the dress before the wedding.”

“We make our own luck, Little Dream.”

Something took over me while pulling the dress up my body, a memory that haunted me in the most painful of ways.

“What are you doing?” Laughed a little blonde girl who was slightly older than me—my sister.

“Playing dress up,” seven-year-old me replied with a smile.

“In Mom’s wedding dress?”

“I don’t think she’ll mind.”

“Did you ask?”

I shook my head, dipping it with shame that lasted no more than a second. “Do you want to try it on? You’ll make a beautiful bride someday, Rhylie.”

“I don’t think so.”

“Of course, you will. You’re the pretty one.”

She looked like she didn’t believe that. “You make a pretty bride yourself.”

I smiled, looking up to her in so many ways as I sat on the floor and applied one of Mom’s pink glosses to my lips.

“On my real wedding day, will you do my makeup for me? I feel like you’ll know what you’re doing.” She definitely would, already experimenting whenever Mom left her makeup bag out. “Oh, and will you be my bridesmaid, too?”

“Of course.” Rhylie chuckled, trying to hide it behind a small hand. “Anyone would think you have the guy already picked out.”

“Not yet, but I’ll know him when I see him.”

“Oh, yeah. Who’s your dream guy?”

“Maybe a pop star or something. I’d like him to be tall. And cute, of course. And honest. I don’t like liars.”

“I hate lies, too.”

“Then, you have to do my makeup on the real day! Otherwise, you’ve told a lie.”

“I promise, Sissy.”

“Thanks, Rhylie.”

The memory faded out, and I had no idea what came next. Whether or not I got in trouble wearing the dress. If Rhylie tried it on...nothing.

“Rhylie,” I whispered, and a stabbing pain pierced through my heart, stealing my breath.

I hunched over. Remi quickly took my weight, scooping me and the half-laced-up dress into his arms.

I no longer cared about my body being exposed. All I cared about was trying to suck air into my uncooperative lungs because Remi looked absolutely fucking terrified with his wide golden stare on me.

The pain subsided, but my legs, trembling like every other part of me, weren’t ready to accept my weight. I told Remi that by gripping him tighter, but he had no intention of setting me down, rushing towards the door with me in his arms, brushing back hair from my sweat-glistened face as we moved.

I pressed my foot against the door as he reached for it.
