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“So, relax, let me lead, and fucking enjoy this. Let me get you out of your own head and drag you into my vision. Let me show you how perfect you are, my beautiful, strong girl.”

My head moved, nodding a slow nod because I wanted all that. I wanted to feel differently about myself.

“First, you have to show me your strength.”

I swallowed, the hard lump of fear disintegrating in my stomach, and my legs, though still shaking, still desperate to close, loosened at his shoulders. I let him guide my hand away, along with the material skating up my stomach.

And I revealed the last of my visible injuries to him.


Cat opened up her legs, trusting me with all her fears, which were more about rejection than pain. That cunt was clearly in her head, spreading false rumors in her ears about how bad she looked.

And it was fucking bad.

The left side of her labia looked different from the right. There was no pretty frill on this side. My fingers trailed the scars over mottled and discolored flesh.

“I’m terrified, Remi.” Her head nodded rapidly, trying to emphasize her point as much as her dry words that stuttered from her mouth. “I’m more scared than I ever remember being.”

“Don’t be scared, Little Dream.”

Her glossy eyes showed her expecting the term nightmare. I was almost sure of it. But she was still my dream. A few more scars weren’t changing that.

And she’d never have to feel self-conscious because I would never let her know how much they bothered me. And no one else would ever fucking see them.

My eyes moved back to her pussy, a question plaguing my mind as I moved my lips close. Would it even feel good for her?

It was my job to make sure it did. And if I failed, we couldn’t do this.

“You’re so fucking perfect. Every smile brings me to my knees.”

“You’re already on your knees.”

“Yeah, to worship my girl.”

A soft breath brought a stream of air over her cunt, and it began to swell as my fingers parted her pussy lips.

She still trembled, and I needed to stop that.

My fingers spread on her thigh, rubbing the skin in soothing circles. Her fingers wrapped around mine, squeezing tightly. Her clammy skin stuck us together as I moved.

My skin tingled from a simple fucking touch.

Warmth radiated from her cunt, calling me in, and my tongue flattened to her pussy, smearing over every part of her, licking from slit to clit.

The stubble on my top lip grazed her clit, my nose following, inhaling, remembering her scent and the high it brought me—stronger than any fucking drug.

My tongue dipped inside her, and I almost lost it as she clamped up, tensing those tight muscles.

“Relax, Dream. You’re safe. You have a choice here.”

Her muscles eased, and I pushed through her boundaries with every inch of my tongue, my nose still moving on her clit, the smell of her driving me fucking wild.

If I had an extra hand, it would be on my cock, stroking from base to tip. But I didn’t. They were both on her, moving around to her ass to lift her up to a better angle.

Swirling my tongue allowed me to feel every internal scar. I fucking hated it. But I wouldn’t focus on the cunt who did all this shit to her. I’d only focus on ridding him from her every memory and this fucking earth, in time.

Pulling out of her, I placed a kiss over her pussy.
