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Sharp teeth nibbled my neck, leaving a mark—an imprint that claimed everything down to the blood that rushed to the surface.

“Would it be too much if I requested this come off?” He tugged the neck of my hoodie, the pink color matching the weird shades in the sky.

“Here was me thinking you’d demand, Mr. Cole.”

“I’ll be demanding some other things in a few minutes.” His kisses spread across my jaw to my lips, where he dodged my wanting mouth.

“In that case, maybe we’ll leave it on. I can only grant so many wishes a day.”

“Not true,” he teased.

“Have I granted all yours already?”

“Not yet.”

“Is the last one me learning to cook?” I laughed, his lips now on my legs, his body between them.

“No,” his voice was gravelly. That one word told me exactly what he wanted without voicing more.

Sensual kisses caressed my thigh, moving down to my calf and stopping at my ankle. “You can leave these on,” he said of the pink Converse sneakers he’d bought for me. I’ve had enough foot flavor for one night.”

I yanked my foot back and gave him a playful kick that landed right in the center of his chest, catching him off guard and knocking him from the truck and down to the grass we were parked upon, onto his peachy ass.

I sat up quickly, giving myself a head rush. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” My hand moved from my pained head to my mouth, hiding the giggle, but he heard it, laced around each word.

“Oh, you’re gonna be.” He propped himself up on his knees and wrapped long fingers around my ankles, pulling me to the edge.

He stared at me for a second, just one, before he leaned over me for the quickest kiss.

“You give the best kisses.”

Rothbart invaded the moment, stealing it and me from Remi.

Even with these fucking fish lips, you can’t kiss for shit.

Remi’s golden stare was on me, warming my skin from the chill brought by Rothbart’s voice in my head, echoing and taunting me. He looked so beautifully familiar, younger in my eyes. The muscles and tattoos, hidden beneath the darkness of his hoodie, were gone. His scar was gone, too. A leather jacket swamped a leaner frame, and facial piercings shone in the light. I blinked, capturing the image for my memory bank, promising myself I’d come back to him later to admire his boyish charms. I opened my eyes as another chill hit me.

I hadn’t even realized that my panties were off and around my ankles—that rested on Remi’s shoulders—close to his nose, and he breathed me in.

There was no doubt in my mind the heat I felt on my cheeks made them a brighter shade of pink.

He ducked his head under my underwear, adjusting my legs a little as he widened my thighs and pulled my body close enough for his breath to tickle me. His eyes never left my face, never took a single peek.

I was grateful for that.

Grateful that the sight of me hadn’t put him on his ass with another heavy slap of shock.

I rushed to the hem of my hoodie to hide my insecurities, which gave me extra reasons for pink cheeks.

“Don’t hide from me.” The wind carried the whisper. “That isn’t something you need to do.”

“I’m embarrassed.” I squeezed my thighs together, not realizing I was squeezing his head and moving his hearing aid, making it uncomfortable. His fingers pushed between my skin and his, allowing him to make the necessary adjustments to hear me say, “I don’t look like other girls.”

Something flashed in Remi’s pretty stare: hatred, anger, whatever it was, tightened his grip on my legs.

“I’ve never wanted any other girls.” He paused. “He’s a cunt for doing to you what he has. The abuse was fucking terrible, but this lingering shame he’s caused you to feel over injuries he put on your body, it’s gotta go, Cat.”

I knew he was right.
