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Her pretty eyes twinkled in different shades, looking up at me as she sank to the ground. The green one seduced me, while the innocent blue told me it was okay to seduce her.

Her hands guided me around until my cock hung, heavy and proud, in front of her lips.

“We’re doing this.” She was telling herself that, probably trying to convince herself she wasn’t afraid.

I should have escorted her from the room and wedged something against the door. But I nodded because I couldn’t fight anymore. I was shaking and drained from protesting against my urges to push my cock down her throat.

I tried to say, “Okay,” when she wouldn’t take no for an answer, but I choked on the lust surrounding the word.

“Tell me you want me to.”

Tiny fingers made their way to the base of my cock and started stroking gently, the way I liked to do it myself when I needed to draw this out and make it last longer.

I grew impossibly harder.

“Tell me, Remi.” She kept stroking it, causing aches right down to my balls. “Tell me what you really want.”

I shouldn’t, but I couldn’t stop myself as she tightened her grip.

“I want,” I rasped, my voice so heavy with need for her. “Your big, beautiful lips to open and for your pretty fucking mouth to start sucking my cock.”

Her mouth moved closer, her tongue peeping out to lick my slit and the taste of me, already lingering there.

Pulling back my skin, she put the head in her mouth, sucking and twirling her tongue around the tip, and my knees went fucking weak.

“Oh, fuck.” My head dropped back for a second, and then I realized I couldn’t see her.

I needed to watch.

Her lips closed around me, intensifying every fucking tingle on the sensitive area.

She took in more of me, her tongue torturing me in beautiful ways as it slowly moved along silver barbells.

I couldn’t stop my mind from wandering to dirtier territories, envisioning what those piercings would feel like buried inside her tight cunt.

I had a problem when it came to Cat. Nothing was ever enough.

She went deeper, tilting her head to take even more of my cock, and I still wanted to push deeper down her throat. She sucked harder, her wet mouth making sounds that sent vibrations through me and almost made me come and want to go again.

“I need more.” Pretty eyes flicked up at me. Another gentle hum vibrated against my skin like she knew that was what I wanted.

Like she fucking remembered.

What I didn’t want was that fucking song from the Voodoo Dolls’ greatest hits, but I bit my tongue and said nothing on the matter. Grateful, at least, that it wasn’t my fucking song, as that would have meant she felt fear in this situation.


Her eyes lifted in time to see the splashes of shower gel land on her tits.

“Rub that in, and show me how well you play with your pretty tits.”

Her eyes glassed, and I was almost sure she’d refuse me. But her shaky fingers moved to her bigger breast, the one with less damage, and she rubbed the pink gel into her skin, making her hand slip and slide over her naked flesh. Her pink nipples hardened in my view, and I twitched in her warm mouth.

“Now, the other one.”

She froze. The only thing moving was her mouth, still sucking, still pleasuring me as tears rolled over high cheekbones.
