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I forced my arms to stay at my side, and they fought back, my body begging them to cover it, to hide it away from his eyes, still lingering on my flaws.

“Come to me, beautiful girl.” His raspy voice encouraged another step, and his hand left the wall, fingers stretching out to me.

Entwined fingers tugged me into his chest. He could no longer see me, my body too close to his, melding against his every hard muscle.

My heart pounded into his skin, my nails raking at his back.

“Relax, Little Dream.” His hand rubbed between my shoulders, no longer on his cock. The other hand stayed in mine, squeezing until I calmed. I hummed against him, taking in the scent of his skin, of his arousal, with deep inhales. “I’m proud of you. But you shouldn’t be in here right now.”

I angled my head, showing him my words. “Why not?”

“Because I’m feeling a little out of control.”

I felt his out of control. It was all over his stomach, sticking my sternum to his abs. His thick cock was also between us, silver bars prodding me.

“I’m good here. I want to be with you.”

“I need…” he trailed off, but I knew exactly what he needed.

My fingers slinked from his back, sliding between us through the water.

“Don’t.” He gripped my wrist.

My nails barely touched his skin, tracing around his barbells, and he let me go.

His hips rocked, his body asking for more when his mouth refused.

“You can admit it, Remi. It won’t scare me away.”

“You won’t be able to handle me.”

“I will. Because it’s you.”

“No. You won’t.”

“You don’t know that without giving me a chance.”

“I do. I remember us, despite the drinking and the drugs. I remember how we were. I remember how you couldn’t handle me.”

His hips stopped rocking.

“And it kills me.” His voice held so much pain, so much need. “I want you so much, and I know I can never touch you. I can never fully have you.” His head dipped, wet hair falling into his eyes.

I stretched on my toes, kissing just next to his mouth, the stubble pressing into my lips.

“You have me.”

“You don’t remember how much I hurt—”

“But you’ve healed me, and I know that.”

He couldn’t see my words but felt them against his lips. Another passionate kiss stopped me from talking. I kept my eyes open for each one, loving how his face looked as we connected.

“I’m not naïve. I know this thing…” My fingers wrapped around his cock, unable to close, and I continued talking, “is gonna cause pain. But as you proved with this…” I stretched out my other arm, showing off my new tattoo. “Some pains bring a little pleasure.”

He shook his head, still refusing.

“I’m doing this, Remi. We are doing this. I want normality and a full relationship where we get equal pleasure. So, give me that.”
