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“We don’t. Nothing before these last few weeks was good. I wasn’t a nice person. I just wanted to own you. I wanted you obsessed with me, and for a little while, you were, but that changed quickly, and it changed me, too. I wasn’t a good person then.”

“Well then, it’s a good thing you grew up.”

“I have grown up. I promise that I will put your well-being first in all situations going forward.”

“I know. You have for the last three weeks.” I smiled. “That’s why I love you, Remington Cole.”

The most genuine smile I saw from him appeared on his face. “Will you forever?”

“Of course. I’ll only ever be yours.”

“Yes, definitely only ever fucking mine.”

“Only fucking yours.” I laughed my first laugh of the week, and my mouth didn’t hurt. “And you had better only be mine.”

I let a little of my insecurities over the female friend he hadn’t offered an introduction to into that sentence.

“Forever, Cat.”

“Strong words.”

“Real words. Real feelings.”

I laughed again, my lips curling up over the teeth that now had no pain. “Remi, you’re kinda down on one knee right now.”

“I know.” He swallowed, biting his lip for a second as he thought over his next move, which was no doubt spontaneous. “Are you ready to make it official? Forever can start right now.”

“Forever can wait a day because we still don’t have an officiant, but I give you my life, my word, and all I am. I don’t know who I am, but I know deep in my soul I belong to you, Remi.”

Chapter 27


Forever had waited for more than a day. It had waited a week and a half, to be exact, and still hadn’t come around. And I was almost sure that was to do with cold feet or regret of asking the question he hadn’t dared bring up since.

It made me nervous about our future, despite the bedtime cuddles and conversations we shared with no one else.

“Come on. I have a surprise for you.” Remi led me into his room after breakfast. We’d been up early, and I’d been on the tattoo table, dressed in an old sweater that we’d cut the sleeve off, and he’d finally ridded me of those god-awful barcodes that marked my skin in the most insulting way.

They were buried now, in my past and behind a bristly brown bear wearing a black hoodie and nothing else. He somehow reminded me of Remi despite him looking nervous, which Remi never did. His little legs were bent at an unusual angle, too, making him appear even more uncomfortable. His paws weren’t finished, and neither was the design that would surround him, which was why we were back in here.

Remi sat on his desk chair, using those long legs to bring him closer as I climbed into place.

He paused, the needle in the ink.

“What happened to my surprise?”

“You’ll get it once we’re done.”

“Then you best hurry up.”

“You sure you’re comfortable with me doing this? You haven’t seen any of it.”

“I saw the teddy bear, and I trust you.”

“It’s big,” he warned.

“It is big.” I giggled to myself, hoping he’d get the joke. I wasn’t talking about the tattoo. I’d caught him in the shower, having a little too much fun with himself a few times now, and despite moaning my name, he never pulled me in. He never did more than stare at me with wide eyes, watching as I watched him and his tight fist, milking his cock and blowing all over himself.
