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I needed to make it right.

Why couldn’t Rothbart just be home?

Why couldn’t my hands have stopped the cunt from breathing by now, for all he’d done to my fucking girl?

Headlights came up behind me, shining on my truck and making me realize how fucking dirty it was in here.

I’d sat Cat in here for our shopping trip with the stains of dirty blood that she hadn’t noticed, and that angered me, too.

Ollie and Dec jumped out of Ollie’s car, which was gleaming, as always.

I hadn’t even realized they weren’t home when I walked out two hours ago, leaving Cat, Jolie, and Hell, none of whom were mentally competent to look after each other.

Ollie tapped my window with his house key, and that was my signal to get out.

“Where’ve you been?”

I almost felt like lying. It was second nature these days. But his hand was on the hood, feeling all the heat trapped beneath.

“I popped out.”

“At this hour?” Dec just had to get involved.

“Is it a crime to get an early morning coffee?” There was my lie.

“You don’t smell like coffee, Remi. You smell like sweat and blood.”

“That’s the truck.” And it made me sick.

“Where have you really been?” Ollie could always see right through me. Those cop skills were still there, buried beneath the dirt of his new role.

I collapsed against the door of my truck. There was no way out of this. “Rothbart’s.”


“Why do you think, dipshit?”

“Why would you go alone?”

“And why are you vibrating with anger?” Dec piped up again.

“Because I want him fucking dead!”

“I understand that, but—”

“Shut the fuck up.” I needed Ollie quiet. His calm voice of reason wasn’t doing anything for my mood.

Whatever threads were holding me together snapped against the vibration of anger rattling through my body, and my voice got louder. “I saw her tonight. Saw everything. Painful fucking scars all over her body, and she told me how she got them.”


“I’m not done. Do not fucking interrupt me, Ollie. She’s cut from hip to hip, and do you know why that is?”

Ollie’s face was tight, always hiding emotion. “I can guess.”

“Can you?” I kicked away from my truck and got a little too close to his face. “Can you guess what happened to the baby she was carrying until that hysterectomy? The baby that never made it to term?”

“I wouldn’t want to, honestly.”
