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“I didn’t hear you, either, or I wouldn’t have invaded your special moment with yourself.”

“Oh,” he chuckled. “I’m happy you invaded it.”

I wiggled on the spot, his playful words almost feeling like a threat of what would come if I stepped closer to him.

But threats didn’t frighten me.

My thighs rubbed together, trying to relieve the ache between them.

“Get in here?” he whispered, looking more arousing to me than the scene outside that was fit for a porno.

“We’ve had one date, and I’m not the kinda girl to let you—”

“Nothing has to happen,” he interrupted. “I swear to you, I won’t touch you until you ask me to.”

It was the push I needed, but the pull helped, too. His fingers wrapped around mine, peeling them from the tight position on my chest and dragging me into the shower, where water dripped from his dark hair and onto my cheeks like tears as I fell into his chest and stared up at him.

A flash of pain showed on his handsome face as my body brushed against his very erect cock. Its weight, no longer supported by his hand, now rested against me.

“Shall I check those stitches?” he rasped.

I nodded, turning and moving my hair, which was so much heavier now that it was wet.

His fingers lifted the strap over my shoulder, and my heart pounded in my chest when the tank top, which was much too big for me, fell a little too far and exposed my breast to the heat of the water.

“Remi…” I whispered his name, but I had no idea why. It wasn’t like he could hear me.

Both of our hands moved to my front, and in my panic, I accidentally hit his fingers into my deformed nipple.

My body responded to panic in a way it never had for as long as I could remember.

What I thought was warm water ran down between my legs, splashing us both. Then my eyes dropped to see the water change color to a light yellow at our feet.

I needed to get out. Getting in this shower was a fucking terrible idea.

Remi caught my hand, pulling me back to him, and it was only when I saw the pain in his eyes that I stopped trying to break free.

My breast was still exposed, just the one, and he tried—he really did—not to look at the mess that was that part of my body. But seconds later, his eyes were there, caressing every painful scar that branded me as property.

Someone else’s property.

Remi’s lips curled in a way that screamed he was fucking disgusted.

And it knocked the wind out of me, taking all my strength, including the ability to stand, with it.

Water splashed over the shower edge, wetting the tiles and the rug that would stop us from breaking our necks.

The crack of my knees on the shower floor was painful, but I didn’t care. Emotional pain always hurts more.

It was probably a good thing I couldn’t remember Remi. He’d said we didn’t have happy memories, that he didn’t treat me like I deserved. Those memories would rip my heart to shreds, and it was already struggling to keep me alive.

Those forgotten memories would kill me.

His fingers touched my face before lifting my chin in time for the tears to drop from my jaw.

“Come here, Little Dream.”

A bob of his head invited me against his chest before I was scooped into his lap. My pussy unintentionally slid over his cock, but that wasn’t the reason for more tears falling.
