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“In case I forget all our beautiful memories again?”

“I’ll never let that happen. We can let the past go because we didn’t have all that many, but the future will be different, Cat. I swear to you. Bring anything else you want down to the register when you’re done here.”

I was glad she lingered behind, giving me time to sign what was surely everything that already had my name on it. Cat approached as a cramp sprung to life in my right wrist. I quickly stepped from the cash register, my parting glare requesting that the cashier—who wasn’t Danial but a woman named Claire, who was a good twenty years older than me, would act cool.

Claire, who would have happily snatched me up as a boy toy, with or without my permission, understood, granting Cat a smile.

“Can I get something?”


“Okay, but I don’t want you to see yet.” She hid the item behind her back.

Warily, I handed over my card. I didn’t care what she was about to spend. What worried me was why she wanted to hide her new possession.

It wasn’t until we were back in my truck and she asked me to pop a CD into the player that my suspicions grew.

Please, don’t be one of my fucking CDs.

It wasn’t. Maybe Danial got the last one. Instead, it was the fucking Voodoo Dolls.

Sen Chasity’s voice filled my vehicle and forced my balls back inside my body all at once.

“I thought music might be good for our date, and neither of us strike me as one for the classics. I don’t know anything about these girls. I just liked their outfits on the poster. I guess I went for what’s popular. If I could remember who sings my song, I’d have gone for that.”

“It was just some loser who was popular a few years back.” I took a sip of coffee from my cup. It was coffee number three from a drive-through diner, and it was cold now.

“Well, until we remember who exactly that loser is, I thought gothic glam might be fun. What do you think? For our first of eleven dates. Just a short one, where we listen to one or two songs and get lost in the lyrics together.”

“Doesn’t sound like much of a date.”

“I don’t need fancy or flashy.”

I’d told her she could have what she wanted, and this was what she wanted. To get lost in a short story that was, ironically, written about me.

I didn’t say anything. I just let her know with a few bobs of my head that I agreed. I sat silently. My head tilted to her as I let all the words go in one ear and out the other that couldn’t fucking hear them anyway while she let them all settle into her memory.

Her head lolled to mine. “The lyrics remind me of you.” Her cheeks became rounder, a pretty smile the reason.

And if only she knew, the damn song was actually written about me back when Sen both loved and hated me.

“Why?” Why did I fucking ask.

“Because she’s singing about someone she loves, but she doesn’t know why she loves him.

Cat sank deeper into the chair, and my black heart went with her. Her words, as she shadowed the chorus, echoed in my head. I couldn’t hear the Voodoo Dolls anymore.

I could only hear Cat.

Chapter 22


Dust blew through the wind, glittering souls now free to sparkle.

Checks had been made. There was no family for any of the girls. The eldest—my most recent mistake—had been raised by her grandfather, and our information told us he’d passed before finding her.

Maybe they believed in heaven, and they’d find each other there.
