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She winced over the pain in her shoulder, her body twisting uncomfortably. The noise she made almost sounded as bad as whatever was playing from the speakers. The ringing in my left ear wasn’t so bad today, and I actually wished it had persisted.

Modern music was not for me.

“Hurt yourself, or were you trying to sing along to this shit?”

The sweetest sound left her lips as she laughed. She looked for my hearing aid, which had not been replaced yet. “I wasn’t sure how much you could hear?”

I’d told her the first night that I had issues with both ears. The right, a pointless thing on the side of my head without the aid. The left had a purpose. To torture me with the little bell constantly ringing.

“My ringing isn’t so bad today. So, I can hear this trash, unfortunately.”

“I think they’re a little better than me.”

“They aren’t.”

“Debatable.” Her eyes wandered back to the camera. She didn’t want to ask for it—a gift. “Do you think the memorial store is open now?”

The memorial store was owned by rich stiffs who worked as few hours as possible. I couldn’t even guess how they got so much money when the store was closed more than it was open. I knew this because Dec complained about it often, as he usually ran around town doing all the errands that Ollie and I didn’t have time for—getting memorial plaques etched for those too late to save.

“We’ll take a look after we get you that camera.” I swooped my hand, pulling her close to kiss her cheek, and I felt them rounding with happiness beneath my lips and fingers, and it felt great.

Too great.

Then I had to get away from her because I was fucking hard again.

“I’ll pop to the register and ring one up. You have a little play here and meet me down the front in five.”

I reached around her, grabbing an empty box and some film for her print-on-demand shots.

“Remi, you really don’t have to.”

“I want to.”

“It’s not Christmas or Valentine’s Day yet.”

“No, but that’ll be here before we know it.” Unfortunately.

“Will we have plans?”

I cringed over the next words that left my mouth. “Yes. But we’ll have to postpone them.”

Because I was about to make a deal with the devil—one show for her freedom.

“I have to work.”

My words deflated her, her shoulders drooping for a second but only a second because Cat was a rare breed of human—the special kind that couldn’t be held down by the weight of any disappointment.

“We don’t have to postpone. We can celebrate the day before. Don’t put things off for the future, Remi. It might never come. Let’s do it early. Let’s do eleven days of romance for all the years we missed.”

“What are you thinking?” Probably not what I was thinking. Every sexual fantasy I’d ever had since I knew the purpose of a cock.

“We’ll do eleven dates between then and now, and maybe it’ll help me remember you.”

“We don’t need that. I told you, we don’t need the past.”

“What do we need?”

“For you to want me again. And this camera, to capture all the moments yet to happen.”
