Page 100 of Broken Worth

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He couldn’t deny her. The brush of her pussy against his head made his balls tighten. She was wet already, from a mixture of lube and the orgasm that had softened her into the bed. He pushed inside, rocking and begging himself not to blow his load before he got all the way in. He searched her face, but it stayed in relaxed bliss while he buried himself to the hilt.

She felt so fucking good around his cock. Squeezing aftershocks were running through her, and he was so close. Too close.

“I won’t be able to hold out. You’re not going to come with me, Bea.”

Her eyes opened as her hand lifted and came down in a smack right on his ass. “Just fucking come.”

He let out a groan as he thrust into her once, and damn it, he really was a one-pump chump. His head fell to her breasts as he stayed buried inside her and flooded her with his cum. His arms braced his weight above her as he panted against her nipple like he’d just run a marathon. “Fuck, that felt amazing.”

She giggled, and he lifted his head to the happy sound, finding her eyes sparkling. He managed to snag her lips with the second try, pouring the euphoria flooding his body into the kiss. “I love you so much.”

She smiled at him. “I love you, too, but your beard is wet, and it’s kind of gross.”

He grinned at the reminder and slowly pulled out. His cock hung limp as he knelt between her legs. The wetness between her thighs gave him a head rush. His hands slid under her hips to cup her ass.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Tilting your hips up.” He lifted her ass to prop it up on his thighs. His finger stroked her cum-soaked lips around the opening, and she shivered. “Were you serious about making a baby?”

Her soft smile returned. “Yes. It might take a while, though. I told you, I never got pregnant even though it wasn’t for a lack of cum inside me.”

“I don’t mind donations to the cause. Lots of donations.” He started considering ways to make love to her that would also keep her arm immobile.

“Right, but—”

“We’ll figure it out. There are doctors for that and all sorts of options. I’m excited that you want me like that too.” His cock was already stirring imagining it, but her body was limp and relaxed, even with him stroking her there.

“I want all of you. In all the ways.” She licked her lips, and her ass tensed against his thighs. “That’s what I’ve been trying to say. Do you think you’d ever want to…?” Her eyes closed, and her cheeks paled.

His hands moved to her hips, stroking her there. “I want all of you, too, Bea. Ask me.”

“Ass play,” she blurted out. Her eyes squeezed tighter. “I know it’s not for everyone, but I still remember, and I’d rather remember you.” She blew out a breath, her eyes nervous as they met his.

“Are you sure?” Montrell asked, searching her face. “I’ll take you in any way you want, but if it’s not something you can see pleasure in, it won’t work. You’ll be too tense, and I never want to hurt you.”

Beatrice licked her lips. “I was reading about it being pleasurable. I want to try.”

His cock bobbed at the thought, but Montrell was less than sure. Oh, he’d enjoy it, but he also had a big cock, and never wanted to hurt her. His hand moved back to her pussy, stroking over the moisture leaking out there. “My baby batter is all for in here,” he said with a grin. “But we’ll check out some toys. We can buy them together.”

She smiled at him, adding to his erection.

He reached for the lube, stroking it over his penis. “Think you can take me again? Would you be able to enjoy it, or are you spent?”

Her eyes became hooded as her hand moved to her breast. She tweaked one of her nipples, her lips falling open at the sensation. “Maybe lick my clit again first?”

He lifted her hips this time, reading her body and watching her face as his tongue brushed over right where she’d asked. “That’s it,” he murmured as her thighs loosened. “Be a good girl and relax.”

It took her longer to climb toward the precipice than before. And he loved every second of getting her there.

When he finally rocked inside her, she tried to curl around him. He lowered his weight to her chest as he buried himself the last inch with a groan. “Stay still. Your arm.”

The fingers of her good hand wrapped around the back of his neck, stroking him there. “Make love to me, Montrell.”

“No pain?” he asked, losing his breath at the way she clenched around him.

Her hips arched into his thrust. “Fuck, I feel like I can come again.”

That didn’t sound anything like pain. “Let me do all the work.” He hunched to bury his face in her breasts, sucking her nipple into his mouth and loving the way her fingers gripped his hair.
