Page 6 of Broken Resolve

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His hand moved into his suit jacket, pulling out a vape pen to pull on. He leaned against the wall, closing his eyes as he let out the sweet-smelling smoke.

“Is that grape?” she asked.

He stared down at it, as if seeing it for the first time, then shoved it away. “Go ahead and say it.”

She sighed. “I’m not going home with you.”

His eyes opened, and he stared at her. Then his mouth twisted. “That’s not what you want to say.”

Vespa crossed her arms. “Apparently, you know my mind better than I do. What is it you think I should say?”

“You never lie, Vespa. Don’t start now.”

She huffed out a breath, letting her arms drop. “What do I care that you hook up with guys? I told you, Antonio. I’m not going to fuck you. Go use your dick on whoever you want.”

“We both know that’s not what I’m worried about.”

Her tension seeped away as she sighed. “Look, it’s none of my business. I’m a woman in a world full of men. I know what it’s like to not be able to be myself.” She reached out, patting his shoulder. “Though maybe you were right. You’d be a great wingman.”

He stepped into her space before she could blink, crowding her against the brick wall. “So, what, you feel safe with me now because you think I’m gay? Don’t fucking do that.”

She grimaced. “Sorry, I get this social shit wrong all the time. I don’t really know what to say. Good for you?” Her arms were trapped between them, which prevented her from flashing him a double thumbs-up. That would have been even cringier.

In the alley’s dimness, his eyes seemed darker as he leaned closer. “I’m not safe, Vespa.”

“Hell no, but I’ll give as good as I get. Don’t try me,” she warned, nervously licking her lips at the threat.

His gaze dropped. “That’s not what I meant. You acted more nervous in the bar when you thought I was flirting with you.” He pressed against her. “I was flirting with you.”

A frisson of panic slid through her, mingling with confusion. “Wait, what?”

“I’m not only into men. It’s more accurate to say I don’t have a preference. Men, women, it doesn’t matter. I’m not always sure what attracts me, but when I find it, I pursue that feeling.”

His chest was hard against hers, and his body blocked the air. “Quit playing around,” she snapped. “You’re not really into me.”

“You’re so sure of that?” he asked.

She forced a laugh, but it came out higher than normal. “I told you to stop.” She hated herself for the slight crack in her voice on the last word. “If you’re trying to intimidate me, it’s not going to work. Now ease up, or I’m going to fuck you up.”

Antonio jerked back, giving her some space. She sucked in a breath, a shiver running through her. Fuck that. She couldn’t breathe with him hovering so close, that was all. She hadn’t been nervous.

“Vespa?” Antonio asked, and frustration filled her at the sound of his softening voice.

“I’m not going to tell anyone about you or blackmail you or anything, but if you back me up against a wall like that again, I’m bloodying your fucking nose, you prick. I get that you’re freaking out right now, but I won’t give you another free pass.” She felt the phantom sensation of pinching fingers. Her own hands shook, and she squeezed them into fists to stop the pathetic reaction.

Antonio’s eyes flicked to her fists. His fake smile dropped as his brows drew together. “Did someone hurt you?”

“They’re dead, okay? I killed them.” Her eyes closed as the memory of the rage she’d felt at the time threatened to overwhelm her. “I killed all of them with my bare fucking hands before they could do that. Sure, I ended up bloody, too, and had a hell of a recovery, but they ended up dead.” She bared her teeth, wishing her heartbeat would slow down as she opened her eyes to glare. “So who would you say won?”

He took another step back. “Why have I never heard about this?”

“You don’t know absolutely everything like you think you do.” She took another breath, pulling it in deeper this time before slowly exhaling. She couldn’t quite meet his gaze as she mumbled, “It was Coronella business. No one else should know.”

“Fuck, Vespa. Your men?” Antonio’s eyes hardened. “And you still want to be part of this life?”

“I’m the enforcer, aren’t I? Don’t worry, I enforced. I’m just quicker to do it now.” Her hands were able to loosen as she thought about the current state of the family. They really were that—family. “Besides, I killed the last of that element back then. They were left over from when Montrell’s father was in charge. Misogynistic pricks, all of them.” Her skin flushed as she remembered her past idiocy. “It was my fault. I won’t make a mistake like that again.”

“It wasn’t your fault,” Antonio snapped. “Don’t fucking do that.”
