Page 52 of Broken Captive

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Giovanni held himself still as his wife moved on him. His body began to shake, but even after she let go of his hands, he didn’t grab her. Nera used a hand to squeeze his erection as she herself went faster, sucking and licking. She was the one who moaned when Giovanni’s body gave a single thrust up before stilling, her eyes hot as they watched his face.

“Nera!” Giovanni cried, his hand fisting in the bottom sheet. “Please, I want you.” The desire in his voice was unmistakable.

Luka’s body stiffened against Alina’s, and his glove pressed a little tighter to her face.

Nera slowed her movements before lifting her mouth. Her torso rose as she positioned herself over his erection, her hand gripping it tightly. “This?” she asked, lowering herself onto the erection and taking it inside her body.

Alina’s eyes rounded as she watched the woman being the one in control. It looked like a choice. It wasn’t forced.

Of course not, she reminded herself. What was happening between Giovanni and Nera wasn’t rape. It was sex.

Nera’s hands had moved to Giovanni’s stomach as she began to move, lifting her hips and lowering them again.

Giovanni cursed as his hips rose to meet hers. His hand moved to near where they were joined, and he stroked her there.

That only made Nera move faster.

Alina couldn’t look away from the expression on Nera’s face. Her moans had grown louder, and they created an ache in Alina. It wasn’t a painful ache, despite where it was, but the intensity wasn’t comfortable. Each time Giovanni touched her, Nera’s lips parted wider, her eyes became dreamier. She cried out on her next push downward, telling him that she loved him. Her features slackened in an expression that looked so hopeful in its bliss.

Giovanni’s own shout sounded somehow proud as his hands grabbed her hips. He continued the motions her body had been making once, twice, and then a broken sob came from him as his body curled toward her and his arms wrapped around her, holding the couple tightly linked.

At Giovanni’s sounds, Luka buried his face in Alina’s hair, using her to silence his own gasp.

The couple panted against each other for long moments before Nera’s face lifted. Her smile was absolutely blinding. And that was even before Giovanni’s words.

“I love you, Nera,” he said, his hand sliding into her hair.

She laughed, leaning down and kissing him.

Alina wondered if they were going to do it all over again. It had, after all, started with a kiss.

Nera moved off of him, though. “You can sleep,” she told her husband as she rose from the bed.

Giovanni watched her pad to the bathroom, and then he climbed out of bed as well.

Alina stared at the carpet when he did.

Luka’s glove moved away from her mouth after the bathroom door shut behind them. Her lips tingled, as if they’d been the ones kissing. She thought they would leave while the couple showered, but his arm moved around her to join the other one. His limbs were stiff against her, and she worried about how much pain he was in.

The ache she’d experienced watching the couple have sex didn’t go away.

She reminded herself that that was what had happened. Giovanni and Nera had had sex with each other, and nothing about it looked like it had brought Nera any pain. She had been the one in charge, acting like she wanted it. Not just to please him, but because it pleasured her.

Pleasure from sex. The man who had raped Alina had seemed to enjoy it, but she’d never imagined the opposite. She’d only been able to imagine an erection causing pain.

And then she understood why Luka had brought her there to watch. Her face heated. Luka had said that he couldn’t be the one to hurt her, and she’d been trying to push him into it.

Then he’d shown her a different kind of sex. Hope sprouted that Luka’s answer hadn’t been a complete no.

She imagined Luka being the one to make that sexy groan, and the heat inside her spread.

Then the bathroom door opened, and she concentrated on not giving away their position by breathing too hard.

Chapter 24

Luka had become hard when Giovanni cried out in his release. His erection ached. The pulsing pain of holding Alina in his arms made the ache worse than ever before. He forced her to wait there while the couple showered, but his panic grew as the erection remained.

He’d once thought like Alina had, that sex only brought pain. He’d wanted to show her it wasn’t true, even if he couldn’t be the one to help her experience that herself.
