Page 83 of Against the Odds

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Chapter Thirty-Three

The Present


“You did what?”

I hold the phone away from my ear until the shrill sound of my mother’s voice stops. “I got a tattoo. It’s not that big a deal.”

“Carla, are you on drugs?”

I choke out a laugh. “What? Why would I be on drugs?”

“You’re not acting like yourself. They say the first sign of drug use is erratic behavior.”

“Who is they?”

“Don’t get snarky with me, young lady. Tell me the truth. What is going on with you?”

I blow a puff of air through my lips. “Mom, I swear I’m not on drugs. I just … I guess I’m trying to find myself, if that makes sense. I was with Joe for so long. I need to figure out how my life is going to be without him in it.”

“And how is your life going without him? Are you happy?”

I slump onto the counter, fingers making small circles on my temple. “I can’t gauge my happiness right now. But I can tell you that I’m doing okay. I’m working, going to school, and hanging out with my friends. Everything’s good here.”

“Good, baby. That’s all I can ask, I suppose. I know heartbreak is tough but you’re strong. You’ll get through it. You’ll see.”

I smile. “I know I will. I miss you, Mom.”

“I miss you too. We should start booking your trip home for the holidays.”

“I’m clocking out of work right now. We’ll talk about it soon.”

“All right. Love you, baby.”

“Love you.”

I end the call and toss my phone into my purse. When I step outside, Tanner’s Mustang roars into the parking lot.

I walk to the driver’s side and say, “If you’re looking for TJ, I haven’t seen him all day.”

He winces as he jerks his thumb toward the back seat. “I have him.”

I peer into the back of Tanner’s car and gasp at the heap of muscles and tattoos laid out across the back seat. “What happened?”

Tanner swings the door open and steps outside. “TJ called me and said he needed a ride. The address he gave me wasn’t in the best neighborhood. Two dudes carried him out looking like this.”

“What did they say?”

Tanner exhales and runs a hand through his hair. “He got jumped after a fight. Three against one.”

“Why the hell are you here? He needs a hospital.”

Tanner shakes his head. “TJ said he’d get into trouble if he goes to the hospital. He begged me not to. Said he didn’t want anyone to find out about this.”

“Let’s get him out. He might need stitches or have a concussion.” Or worse.

Tanner pushes his seat forward and pulls TJ out by his legs. The sounds of TJ’s agonizing groans claw at my chest. When Tanner slings TJ’s lifeless arm around his neck and hoists him out of the car, my stomach rolls and I cover my mouth with both hands.
