Page 42 of Against the Odds

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I hate that he’s right. “I’d get one if I found the right one.”

“Where would you get it?”

“Not sure. Somewhere I could hide it.”

“Why get one if you’re going to hide it?”

“What if I don’t like it in five years? What if it looks ugly when I get wrinkles? It’s just so … permanent.”

“Life’s about living in the moment. If you worry about the future too much, you won’t ever enjoy anything in the present.”

His words nestle into my brain as he pulls up to the pizzeria.

I grab a table and TJ places our order. My stomach growls as I inhale the scent of basil and garlic all around me.

TJ slides into the booth with two bottles of water. “So what did your parents think about you moving up here?”

“My dad just wanted to know that I’d lined up school and a job before I left. My mom’s the dramatic one. She’d keep me home with her forever if she could.”

TJ smiles. “Any siblings?”

“I was an only child up until the twins were born four years ago. My parents hadn’t planned on having another baby, let alone two at the same time.” I unlock my phone and hold it up so TJ can see a picture of Sam and Lucas climbing me like a jungle gym.

“You must miss them.”

“I do, but it feels good to be out on my own.”

A waitress arrives and places a large pie in between us. “Here you go, TJ. Can I get anything else for you?”

“No, thanks, Denise. We’re good for now.”

The waitress saunters away and TJ hands me the first slice. I bite into it, delicious melty cheese and sauce swirling together, and I close my eyes. Damn, that’s good.

“Tell me that’s not the best pizza you’ve ever tasted.”

“Best. Pizza. Ever.” I wipe the grease dripping down my chin. “What about your family? What are they like? Is your dad a fighter too?”

TJ shakes his head and swallows a bite of pizza. “Don’t have any family.”

“Oh. I’m sorry.” That explains why there weren’t any pictures in his apartment. Now his whole demeanor has changed. Way to make it awkward, Carla. I bite into my pizza again while I figure out how to lighten the mood.

“Carla, look at me. It’s okay. I’m fine being on my own. I’m used to it.”

“You say it like it doesn’t hurt.”

“Everything hurts if you give it the power to. You can wallow in it, or you can grow from it and move on.”

I lean back, shaking my head in disbelief. “You’re like one of those desk calendars that has an inspirational quote for every day of the week. People hate those things, you know.”

He chokes back a laugh. “You couldn’t hate me, Carla Evans. You don’t have it in you. You’re too good.”

“I’m not sure if I should take that as a compliment or an insult.”

“Definitely a compliment.”

I squirm under his unwavering gaze. He looks at me as if he can see straight into my core, like all my truths are on display no matter how hard I try to hide them.

“And how did you get to be so wise?”
