Page 41 of Against the Odds

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“There’s more to life than paying bills, Carla.”

“They’re called starving artists for a reason. I need a steady income. Security.”

TJ’s quiet until we arrive. I can tell he doesn’t agree with me, but he doesn’t get what it’s like to struggle just to make ends meet.

TJ parks and hops out of his truck. He waits outside my door, holding out his hand. “Let me help you down.”

“You saw me get in. I’ve got this.” I swing my legs out the door.

“I just don’t want you to—”

Before he can finish his sentence, my heel slips off the metal step and I fall out of the truck.

TJ catches me, wrapping me in his muscular arms. His lips are in my direct line of vision once again, and his warm breath tickles my skin as he chuckles. “I’m starting to understand why you were called Clumsy Carla.”

I push out of his arms and straighten my skirt with a huff.

He kneels down to pick up my shoe and takes my ankle in his hand. Goosebumps spread like wildfire under his gentle touch, and I’m sure he notices.

“There ya go, Cinderella.” He examines my leg. “Are you hurt? You didn’t twist your ankle, did you?”

“Nothing but a bruised ego.”

He stands with a grin. “For the record, I tried to help you.”

“For the record, your truck is too high.”

“Don’t blame the truck.”

“I don’t. I blame the owner.” With a smirk, I whip around and strut toward the store. I can hear TJ chuckling behind me.

Inside, I drag TJ up and down each aisle, filling my cart with all the office essentials. Within ten minutes, we’re checked out and back in TJ’s truck.

“Have you ever tried New York pizza before?” he asks.

“Not yet.”

“Let’s go fix that.”

While he drives, I steal a glance at him form the corner of my eye. “Why do you have so many tattoos?”

“It’s addicting. I got one and kept wanting more.”

“Do they all mean something?”

“They do.”

“Why don’t you have any on your stomach?”

“Not every part of me is covered in ink.”

Like your perfectly round right butt cheek. I smile at the image that will be forever etched into my memory.

“You seem very intrigued by my tattoos. Do you have any?”

“Not one.”

“Didn’t think so.”
