Page 115 of Someone You Love

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Charly squeals, her hands flying up to cover her eyes.

Nana arches an eyebrow.

I turn around and pinch the bridge of my nose. “What the hell are you doing here?”

A female’s voice calls from somewhere down the hallway. “Why do I hear voices?”

“Because this is my apartment,” Charly shouts, still shielding her eyes. “Why are you here, and why is he naked?”

The woman rushes into the living room in a purple bra and matching panties. “Rob and I broke up, so I needed a place to crash. And Anthony’s naked because ... well, I think it’s pretty obvious why he’s naked.”

Charly’s voice goes up three octaves. “You had sex in my apartment?”

“Relax, Char.” Anthony uses a decorative couch pillow to cover his junk. “We didn’t do it on your bed.”

The woman slaps her palm against her forehead.

Charly plants her hands on her hips. “Oh, so you just had sex in my dead mother’s bed then?”

The color drains from Anthony’s face. “Uh ...”

Nana shakes her head. “Please tell me you have coffee here, my dear.”

Charly gestures to the Keurig on the counter in the kitchen. “Come on. Maybe we should make in an Irish coffee.”

“Is this Bryce?” the woman asks. “I’m taking it as a good sign that you’re here together?”

Charly gives me an apologetic look. “Jenny, this is Bryce. Bryce, this is my best friend, Jenny, and her underwear.”

Jenny glances down as if she’s just now realizing she’s half-naked. “Shit. This isn’t really a great first impression, huh?”

I stick out my hand. “Regardless, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Jenny. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“And now you’ve seen a lot about her, as well,” Charly mutters.

Jenny pouts. “You can’t be mad at me! I helped orchestrate this whole thing, you know.”

“It’s true.” Anthony nods. “But I was the one who came up with the idea.”

“Would you go put some clothes on, my boy?” Nana curls her top lip. “I don’t need to look at your shlong while I’m drinking my morning coffee.”

A laugh bursts out of Charly, and she clamps her hand over her mouth.

“Come on, quarterback.” Jenny shoves Anthony down the hallway. “Let’s go get dressed, and then we can all pretend like this never happened.”

Anthony grins. “Once you’ve seen all this, you can’t just forget about it.”

“Watch me,” Jenny mutters.

Charly hands Nana a mug, and slumps into the kitchen chair next to her. “Wow.”

Several minutes later, the duo returns to the kitchen wearing much more appropriate attire. Charly fills in Nana and Jenny about our talk, and her decision to leave Manhattan.

“I knew this was going to happen, yet I’m still in shock.” Jenny shakes her head. “It’s going to suck here without you, Char. But I’m happy for you. You deserve to be happy.”

Charly smiles. “I’m going to have to fix this place up a bit, fill some holes and repaint the walls. But the lease is up at the end of the year, so that gives me plenty of time.”

“I can help.” I lace our fingers under the table. “We can do it together.”
