Page 97 of The Other Brother

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My throat burned when I tried to speak, and all I could do was cough. I nodded my head and held up one finger. Help was here. I had gotten Dad and Tanner out of the fire. My knees buckled under me.

We were safe.



“Mr. Brooks, you cannot get out of bed right now.”

“The fuck I can’t.” I sat up, and surging pain split through my skull. The room tilted, and it felt like I was going to fall out of bed. I squeezed my eyes shut and gripped the rails next to me.

The nurse sighed. “Like I said: You cannot get out of bed. You have a concussion, and you inhaled a lot of smoke. You need to rest right now. You can see your girlfriend later.”

All I heard was constant beeping. That fucking beeping. I was about to get up and unplug every wire that could be responsible for the incessant sound. “I need to see if she’s okay.”

“I promise you, she is in good hands. We are taking the very best care of her. Like you, she needs her rest.”

“What about her father?”

“He’s also in good hands. You’re all very lucky to be alive.”

Alive. We were all alive. I was alive because of Charlotte. The pain in my head was too much to keep it up. I lay back and closed my eyes. I just need to close them for a minute. One minute, and then I’ll go find Charlotte.


I opened my eyes to the sound of beeping. I tried to move, but something heavy weighed me down. My chest burned, followed by involuntary coughing. Something was attached to my face. Where am I?

“Hi, my sweet girl.”

I turned my head to find Tanner curled up beside me on the bed. A hospital bed. I was in the hospital. Fragments of the night came back to me. John. Bakery. Fire. Dad.

My eyes widened. “Where’s Dad?” I choked out before more coughing ensued. I tugged at the annoyance on my face.

“Leave that on, baby. You need oxygen to help you breathe right now.” Tanner stroked my face with his hand. “Your dad is fine. I just checked on him a little while ago.”

Tears stung my already burning eyes. “He’s okay?” My throat felt like I had swallowed a thousand razor blades.

Tanner sat up, careful to not upset the tubes connected to me. He wore a bandage around his head, and his face was still stained with blood and soot. He reached over to get my water and the back of his hospital gown loosened, revealing a large bandage covering his shoulder blade.

I touched a shaky hand to my mouth in an attempt to muffle a sob. Tanner almost died tonight. And it was because of me.

“Don’t cry, baby. It’s okay. I’m here. Your dad is here. Everything is okay.” He lifted the oxygen mask and tilted the cup toward my lips. I gulped the water.

A nurse popped her head through the doorway and heaved a sigh. “He’s in here, Mary. Never mind.” She sat her hands on her hips, giving Tanner a stern look. Her expression softened when she turned to me. “That’s one stubborn boyfriend you’ve got there, Ms. Thompson.”

I crossed my arms over my chest and looked at Tanner for an explanation.

He held his hands in the air. “Nurse Mary told me I could see my girlfriend later. It’s later.”

The nurse fought a smile. “Mr. Brooks, you need to stay in bed until you’ve been cleared. You can’t go unhooking yourself from our machines.”

My eyes widened, followed by more coughing.

Tanner handed me the water again. “Look at her. She needs me. I’m fine. I had a CT scan, an MRI, and I’ve been stitched up.” He stretched his arms out wide. “Good as new.”

The nurse rolled her eyes. “I’m giving you five minutes. If you’re not back in that bed, I’m calling security and having you handcuffed to it.”

“Kinky.” Tanner grinned.
