Page 74 of The Other Brother

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I shoved the phone back into my pocket and wiped my tears quickly. “Mom is coming down with Khloe.”

Mom was carrying Khloe in her arms when she came through the doors. There was no sign of Chase. I didn’t wonder why he wasn’t coming out to see his girlfriend. He’d figured out what I just had.

“Thank you for coming,” Mom said as she approached.

Khloe turned her head to see us, her big eyes red. More searing pain cut through my chest. Khloe was too young to lose her father. The same age as Charlotte was when she lost her mother. Charlotte’s mother died from cancer. Charlotte could get cancer one day. I could, too. It was in our genes.

“Merry,” she whispered as she was transferred from Mom to Merritt. “My daddy went to heaven, like yours did.”

“I am so sorry, angel girl.”

“Do you think he will see your dad? Do you think he knows what he looks like?”

Merritt smiled as the tears spilled down her cheeks. “I think he will see my dad up there. I think they’ll be good friends.”

“I do, too.”

“Do you mind taking her for a little while?” Mom asked. “She shouldn’t have to stay here for this part. I don’t know who else to ask.” I watched as a tear escaped Mom’s eye. It only made me angrier. She shouldn’t have to feel pain like this.

“Of course I’ll stay with her. I’ll do anything you need. Just say the word.”

“Thank you. You can take the car seat out of my car. I’m sorry to bother you.”

“Don’t be sorry. I’m glad I can be here to help.”

Merritt left, and Mom sat down next to me. “I need you to come in with me and your brother. I want us to be all together.”

I shook my head.

“Tanner, please. I need you with me. I can’t do this alone.”

I made the mistake of looking into her eyes. My mother’s beautiful eyes, now dull and broken, were imploring me to go with her. This was the worst day of her life—and she needed me. It didn’t matter what I wanted or needed. I had to be there for her. I had to help her through this.

So, I stood, and followed her to say goodbye to my father.


“Hey, Tanner. It’s me again. Just calling to see if everything is okay. Call me as soon as you can, please.”

It was unusual for Tanner to ignore my texts and calls. He always had his phone on him. The more time went by, the more worried I felt. Something was wrong.

I decided to drive to his house. When I arrived, there were no cars in the driveway. Where were they? Even Merritt’s car was gone. There was no way Tim would’ve had enough strength to go out, and they wouldn’t ever leave him home alone. Then, my heart sank.

I drove as fast as I could to the hospital. Looking around the waiting room in the ER, I didn’t see anyone I knew.

“Excuse me. Are you able to tell me if anyone with the last name Brooks has been admitted?”

Her face fell at the mention of his name. “Are you family?”

“I’m his son’s girlfriend. I can’t get a hold of anyone, and they’re not home. I’m worried.”

She looked like she was thinking about what she should say. “You should talk to your boyfriend, miss.”

“He won’t answer me. Please. Can you tell me anything? Is Tim okay?”

The receptionist looked at her coworker sitting next to her, and the woman nodded her head, granting her permission. “Miss, I’m sorry to tell you this … but Mr. Brooks passed away this morning. The family just left a few minutes ago.”

Oh, God. “Thank you.” It came out as a whisper.
