Page 110 of The Other Brother

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“Oh, yeah? Why is that?”

“Because I love you.”

Tanner grinned. “If you love me so much, why don’t you move in with me?”

“I told you why. It’s too soon.”

“Too soon for what?” Mallory nudged me with a shot glass.

Tanner gestured to me with his thumb. “She thinks it’s too soon to move in together.”

Mallory rolled her eyes. “You guys have been through so much shit already, it’s like you’ve been dating for years.” She handed Carla a shot. “Their relationship has been exhausting. Be glad you missed it.”

Carla raised her glass in the air. “Time means nothing. You could be with someone for years and not truly know them.”

Tanner clinked his water bottle against Carla’s glass. “Exactly.”

“You guys are supposed to be on my side.” I tapped my glass against Carla’s before moving to Mallory’s. “That’s messed up.”

We threw our shots back as TJ appeared beside Tanner.

Mallory indiscreetly elbowed Carla in the ribs to get her attention. Carla made no facial expression whatsoever. I could never read her.

Tanner slapped him on the back. “What’s up, dick-face?”

TJ nodded. “Shit stain.” He turned his attention to me. “How ya doin’, champ?”

“I’m great. TJ, you remember Mallory.”

He winked at her and she giggled.

“This is my best friend Carla.”

He extended his hand. “Nice to meet you, Carla. Glad to see you let your friend come back home.”

One of her eyebrows arched. “Florida was her home. This is just her new residence.”

“It’s my new home.” I wrapped my arm around her shoulders. “Maybe it will be your new home, too.”

“Are you thinking of moving up here?” TJ asked.

Carla shrugged. “It’s a possibility.”

“If you move here, I’d get an apartment with you,” Mallory said. “I’m dying to get out of my house.”

“Why didn’t you ask me to get an apartment with you?” I asked.

She gestured to Tanner. “You’re moving in with him.”

“I never said that!”

She rolled her eyes. “You will eventually, and I can’t carry the rent on my own.”

“You’re really looking to move out?” Carla asked.

Mallory’s eyes went wide with excitement. “Hell, yes! Let me know. I’ll start apartment hunting!”

Tanner snaked his arm around my waist. “See, babe? Your friends are going to live together. We should live together. Everybody wins.”
