Page 109 of The Other Brother

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Chase stood and I did the same. He stuck his hand out and looked at me. “Brothers?”

I put my hand in his and gave it a firm shake.




It was finally summer again.

I’d spent the day basking in the warmth of the sun’s rays at Beverly’s house celebrating Chase’s birthday. Tanner flipped burgers on the barbeque. Khloe splashed in the pool with Chase and Merritt. Everyone was at peace. Everyone was happy.

John and Tommy agreed to take a plea deal. They even ratted out several other men they worked with in exchange for a lesser sentence. I wouldn’t have to testify. I wouldn’t go to jail. I wouldn’t have to see them again. A weight had been lifted from the shoulders I’d no longer have to look over.

They’d forget about me after twenty years in prison, right?

Tonight, I was especially happy because Carla had agreed to visit. I secretly hoped I could convince her to quit her job and move to New York. Part one of my plan was scheduled to unfold. Carla, Tanner, Mallory, and I were on our way to Big Nose Kate’s.

“Is TJ meeting us there?” Mallory asked.

“He’ll be there.”

Mallory turned to Carla beside her in the back seat. “Wait until you see this beef-stick of a man. He is the most gorgeous thing I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

Carla chuckled at Mallory’s enthusiasm the same way I did. “Is he single? Why don’t you two hook up?”

Mallory shook her head vigorously. “He is way out of my league.”

“Ah, come on, girl! Don’t say that. You’re hot!”

I turned to look at Mallory. “What she said!”

“I think TJ’s been a little too preoccupied to notice anyone.” Tanner shook his head. “If he couldn’t crush me with his bare hands, I’d have killed him.”

“Tanner’s still mad that TJ fell in love with Merritt,” I explained to Carla.

“And Merritt is your brother’s girlfriend?” Carla asked.

“Yup. I don’t know what he was thinking.”

Mallory laughed once. “He spent all his time rolling around in that cage training Merritt. Of course feelings are going to spark. I just can’t believe that girl has two of the hottest guys at her feet. No fair!”

Tanner rolled his eyes.

I patted his arm reassuringly. “You’re still the hottest guy to me, babe.”

“So what’s your story, Carla? Are you single?”

“I am.” She still had that faraway look about her, and she still wouldn’t tell me what had happened between her and Joe. I didn’t understand why she didn’t want to tell me. We’d always told each other everything.

Well, except that one time I didn’t tell her I was moving to New York in the middle of the night after burning down my father’s bakery with an evil mobster inside of it.

Once we were in the bar, Mallory ordered shots. Tanner scanned the room for TJ and I watched him intently until he caught me.

“What are you smiling about?”

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. “I’m smiling about you.”
