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“Fuck,” Massimo groans from behind me. Looking over my shoulder, his fingers are flying over the screen on his phone. “The girls are blowing up my phone.” Furrowing my brows, I let the bat drop with a clatter onto the floor and pull my own out. Sure enough, there are several missed calls from Birdie, Sofia, Vivianna, and a slew of unknown numbers. I immediately try to dial Birdie back but it goes straight to voicemail.

“Call Sofia,” I demand, redialing Birdie incessantly.

Scrolling through the onslaught of messages, my heart gets faster and faster, and I’m sure I look as though I have seen a ghost.


How could you? She trusted you, ya know.

I hope this is one giant misunderstanding.

Call me ASAP.

Fuck, call me back!

Birdie took off, we tried to stop her.


You’re a fucking scum bag.

You know what? I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt.

None of you will call us back? Boning one another or something?

Birdie just peeled out of the vineyard. Call one of us back.

It’s been an hour and she’s not back. WTF?

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I chant. Scrolling further along, I whip my head up to look at Massimo. He looks almost as panicked as me.

“Take him down and chain him to the wall. We will be back later,” Massimo commands. They quickly follow their marching orders, throwing Garrett around to get him down. Massimo and I don’t wait around to make sure they get their shit done. Tossing the keys to his driver, we jump into the car and peel out of the drive.

Chapter Three

“Take a breather,” Viv says, putting her hand in front of my face and stopping me from physically raging. I have no other choice but to relax. I will not take my anger out on these ladies. It’s not their fault. Hell, it’s not even mine. I fully blame the idiot women who decided it was a great idea to assault me then spread it around like a fucking gossip magazine.

Taking several deep breaths, it doesn’t necessarily help calm me, but it gives me a moment to just focus on my next steps.

“That was your car, right?” Massimo asks, bringing Sofia in close. She whispers something in his ear, too low for any of us to hear. He blanches, his head swinging to look down at her before whipping to look at me.

“Uhm, yeah?” I question as he leans down into her ear and she nods vigorously. His soft curse has everyone straightening their spines. “I have a tracker on the car. I should be able to locate it.” Closing out of the other apps, I quickly pull open the AllTrack app that one of my buddies installed for me a while back. Refreshing several times, it takes nearly ten minutes in complete silence before the flashing blue dot pops up.

“Got it!” I announce, just about ready to shout in joy. I hold my excitement inside because I have no idea what we will find.

“Ladies, hang back for now,” Massimo adds, dropping a kiss to Sofia’s head before stepping back.

“What? No!”

“Absolutely not!”

“She could be hurt!”

The three ladies bombard us with complaints, defiantly disagreeing with his order. He sighs, glancing toward me for help.

“If she is hurt, what are you going to do?” I ask, stopping them in their complaints. “Can any of you provide lifesaving measures? Do a tourniquet with a belt? What if someone is waiting for us there? You all could be bait and we’d never know because we’re flying blind.”

“But if she is hurt, she will want-”
