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Chapter One

Pain envelops my being as shivers wrack my body. A cough makes its way up my throat, and as I try to inhale, I immediately taste smoke. Peering through my eyes, it’s hard to see through the tears blurring my vision, smoke is billowing from my car.

Confused, I try to sit up, only to realize that I can’t move. My head is light, as if all the blood has rushed straight to it. Blinking rapidly to try and clear my sight, there is something yellow dancing around in front of me, but I don’t know where it’s coming from. I do my best to clear the brain fog and it doesn’t take long for me to notice that I’m inside my car. Upside down.

“Shit,” I mutter, pressing a hand to my stomach as everything from earlier comes flooding back. The positive test. The photo. Driving like a fucking idiot. Getting smashed into from the side. Then…nothing. “Shit!” I scream, anger flooding my body. Gripping my stomach is almost too much movement as my entire body feels far too heavy, which is most likely from being tipped on my head.

With the blood rush, it’s hard to think. My entire body is pressing into the seatbelt, which is the only thing keeping me where I’m at. Moving slowly, I try to take note of any injuries. There is nothing immediately from what I can tell, no cramping or blood.

I look around but I’m limited on what I can see. I hear a vibration and see a cell phone lit up with Sophia calling. If I can just grab it then she can send someone to help. Reaching out, I stretch my arm and get close. Pushing further, I barely get my fingertip on it. I need just another inch and maybe I could reach the answer button. I scoot a little more hoping it will be enough when I hear the crunch of glass.

Stilling, it happens again, this time closer. “Hello?” I call out, praying that it wasn’t just a figment of my imagination. No one responds, but the crunching gets closer and closer, louder and louder. “Hello? I need help! I’m stuck in the seatbelt and I can’t get undone. Can you call 911? Please?”

The longer the silence stands, the more terrified I feel. “Hello! I'm here. Help me, please!” I scream as loud as I can, but it’s like I’m unheard.

Terror and unease fill me rapidly as I desperately keep trying to grab the phone then suddenly a man’s hand reaches in and snatches it. I can’t see him, but his deep voice sends chills through my spine.

“Yes, sir. She is trapped in the car as agreed upon. My job is done. I have her cell phone. I will dispose of it as I leave the site.”

Who is this? Why is this happening to me? What does he mean the job is done? What job?

“Please,” I whimper as the blood in my head finally manages to catch up to me. My vision begins to darken and the last thing I think of before I black out is, I hope my baby survives this.

Chapter Two

My fist collides with his face, his entire body jerking to the left with the impact. He can’t go anywhere due to the ropes holding him in place, yet I hold no mercy. The things he did to her are unforgivable and will not go unpunished. Birdie may feel like she let it go, may have been able to heal from those wounds, but the pain he caused her? She will never be able to forget that. So, I will make him suffer for every day she doubted herself, for every nightmare, and for taking something from her that wasn’t his to take. . Then after? He will never see the light of day again.

“You’re fucking worthless,” I spit, watching the wad of saliva land on his nose. The whole top of his head is red and blistered from the flames, oozing blood like rivers down the side of his head. .

“No,” he mutters, his body shaking with the effort he has had to take to hold himself steady. I will give him a bit of credit. Having burned his lashes, brows, and all of his hair off, he is holding steadfast. Woefully for him, that won’t be lasting much longer.

“Get him up,” I bark, watching as Massimo’s men start moving immediately. The fucker tries fighting them the best he can, but he is up against several hard trained men. Yanking on his arms, they manage to get his arms in front of him and into the slip knot quickly. His arms jerk above his body and he is forced to either hang by his shoulder sockets or stand on his tiptoes. Neither are long-lasting options. I wait until the men step away from him, letting him struggle to grip the ground and stop swinging.

Once I’m fully satisfied with how he is presented, I mosey over to the table of devices.

“I don’t think you need us,” Massimo calls jokingly, a few of the others snicker along with him.

“You’re correct, but it doesn’t hurt to have a bit of an audience. I love humiliating others,” I say, glancing over my shoulder at him. Garrett Weller, the man who touched someone who isn’t his. He took something valuable. While I know I can’t get it back, I can absolutely redeem the cost of it.

Garrett seems to stumble in the short span, struggling to remain in one spot. Lucky for me, I’m going to make his life miserable. Unlucky for him, he may tear both shoulders clean from their sockets.

My fist tightens around the end of a baseball bat, I lift to test the weight in my hands. I relax my wrist and let it swing a bit, determining the type of control I will have on it. It’s either this or a collapsible baton.

The bat is going to hurt a fuck ton more.

My choice is made.

“Heads or tails?” I call out, smacking the bat in my other hand as I stroll back over to him.

“Do I need to get a coin?” Massimo questions, his arms crossed over his chest and leaning against the wall.

“Someone answer the damn question,” I sigh as I let the bat drop to bounce off the toe of my boot.


“Finally.” Smiling at him, I rear the bat back and let it fly. His scream curdles through the small area as the swing makes contact with his tail bone. The crunch of bone soothes the rage burning inside of me, if only for a few seconds. He didn’t understand what I meant when I said I would make him wish he wasn’t born.

“No, no,” he begs, snot sliding down his face pathetically. “I don’t even know her, I swear.” He continues to sob as his legs finally give out from under him. The sharp snap of his shoulders removing themselves from their sockets makes him scream some more. Walking to the front of his body, I swing the bat toward his groin, stopping mere centimeters away from him. The flinch of his reaction has his body jerking backward and grinding his already broken bones.
