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His words offer a small comfort, easing some of the lingering embarrassment. His touch is warm on my skin, grounding me in the midst of my swirling emotions.

“Thank you,” I whisper, my voice barely audible over the hum of the elevator. There’s a sudden shift in the air between us.

Without a word, Ethan leans in closer, his lips hovering just inches from mine. I can feel the heat of his breath against my skin, sending a shiver down my spine.

And then, in a heartbeat, his mouth meets mine in a gentle kiss, tentative yet filled with longing. Unable to stop myself, I wrap my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.

His lips are like fire against mine, melting away the darkness and replacing it with a dizzying light behind my eyelids.

My hands, not shaking anymore, play in his hair. This closeness, sudden and strange, makes me want to be closer to him. Every touch, every breath, explodes with a feeling I never felt before.

I let out an unexpected moan when I feel his hand under my skirt, gently caressing my skin. I part my legs for him, and he slides his hand all the way to my core, pushing my panties to the side.

The metal space is filled with the wet sounds of my pussy as he parts my lips and slides his finger inside.

I buck my hips, soft gasps escaping my mouth. Oh, how much I have missed this—having any part of him in me.

I let out a soft cry when he adds a second finger. I shouldn’t be doing this; he’s my boss, but then this feels so good. How can something wrong feel so right at the same time?

I buck my hips again as his fingers move faster, my skirt riding up my waist as I do so. Our breaths mingled with our lips barely inches apart.

My breath hitches, and my whole body starts to shake when an orgasm takes over me, and then the blinding lights shatter our stolen world.

I quickly jerk back, my cheeks burning hotter than the shame swirling in my stomach. What did I just do? How did this happen?

The lights return and the elevator starts moving, and I avoid Ethan’s eyes as I start to pull down my skirt, smoothening it with my palm.

I notice from the corner of my eyes as he wipes my juice off his fingers with a handkerchief he fished out from his pocket.

I feel so embarrassed; how did I allow things to get this far? Wasn’t I supposed to push him away when he tried to kiss me?

That was the plan until you decided that you wanted to have his hands on every part of you.


“Don’t say it,” I plead, even though I don’t know what he’s about to say. I already am mortified enough. He doesn’t have to make it worse.

The familiar hallway feels distant when the doors slide open, a cold shock after the inferno we just ignited. I turn to walk away, but he stops me.

“Jessica, about what just happened in there…”

Taking a deep breath, I braced myself. “It was...” I search for words, barely whispering. Unexpected? Thrilling? Forbidden? They all feel tame compared to the wildfire raging within.

“What was it?” he murmurs, his voice sending shivers down my spine as he leans closer.

Meeting his gaze, I find a newfound boldness. “It was…” I breathed, losing composure, “it was a mistake that should have never happened. And it won’t happen again.”

A slow smile spreads across his face. “That wasn’t what it seemed like a moment ago.” He smirks, “I’m a little curious. Do you term all the beautiful things that occur in your life a mistake?”

I swallow hard. “Thanks for helping me out in there. I was just being claustrophobic and…” I pause when I realize I’m blabbering. “I have to leave now. I have work to do. I wouldn’t want to be fired for incompetence.”

“I’m your boss.”

“The more reason I shouldn’t be seen idling around.”

I don’t bother waiting for him to respond before I walk out of the elevator, not sparing him a glance.

“Hey, you were trapped in the elevator?” Vivian asks as I join her at the front desk.
