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“It’s okay, Jessica,” he says, his voice a steady anchor in the inky atmosphere. “We’re just experiencing a temporary interruption. I’m sure the elevator will start moving again soon. Let me call so they know we are in here.”

“Oh, thank you; that will be nice.” And even though I’m trying to sound calm, it's obvious that I'm losing it.

But his words do little to quell the rising tide of panic within me. Each passing moment feels like an eternity, the silence pressing in on us from all sides.

Oh God, I hate closed spaces. They make me nervous and breathless.

As Ethan tries to connect with someone, I strain my ears, hoping to hear some sign of life beyond the confines of our metal prison.

But all I hear is the sound of my own racing heartbeat, a relentless drumbeat of fear that threatens to consume me whole.

“Did anyone answer?” I ask as he brings down his phone from his ear.

“No, I’m just going to text Lysa,” he murmurs as he starts typing on the device.

“Ethan,” I say again, my voice trembling with uncertainty. “I’m scared.”

His response is immediate, his hand tightening reassuringly on my shoulder. “I know, Jessica. But I’m here with you.”

I rest my head on his chest. “Take a deep breath,” he instructs, his tone low and reassuring.

I do as he says, taking slow, deep breaths, letting it out slowly. “Where is your happy place?”

As I close my eyes, trying to focus on Ethan’s calming voice, I imagine myself on a quiet beach, the soft sound of waves lapping against the shore. The image brings a sense of peace amidst the chaos of the elevator.

“My happy place?” I repeat, my voice barely a whisper. “It’s a beach, with golden sand stretching as far as the eye can see and the gentle sound of waves in the background.”

“Good, keep focusing on that. What do you like to do when you’re there?”

Ethan’s voice cuts through the dark like a flashlight, helping me feel safer.

“Walking,” I whisper, trying to remain calm. “I like moving on the sand, feeling it under my feet, the sun and breeze on my skin.”

“That sounds nice,” Ethan says in a steady tone. “What else do you do there?”

I try to focus on the imaginary beach. “I like to collect seashells and build sandcastles.”

“That sounds peaceful,” Ethan repeats.

I try to hold on to the image in my mind, letting the soothing vibes in my imagination wash over me. Slowly, my racing heart begins to steady, the fear gradually subsiding in the face of Ethan’s reassuring presence.

“What have you always wanted to do on the beach that you haven’t?” he asks, breaking the silence.

“I…I…sex!” I blurt out before I can get a chance to stop myself.

My cheeks flush with embarrassment as soon as the words leave my mouth, and I quickly glance away. Even though it’s dark I'm worried that he might still see.

I can’t believe I just said that, especially in a situation like this. What was I thinking? Now I’m back, panicking.

“I said that out loud, didn’t I?”

“Yeah, you did.” I can hear the chuckle in his voice.

But to my surprise, Ethan doesn’t react with shock or judgment. Instead, he laughs softly, his tone laced with amusement. “Well, I think that’s something that will need to be rectified when we get out of here.”

I swallow hard, feeling like I want to disappear into the floor. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me. It’s just...this situation is so stressful, and I guess I just blurted out the first thing that came to mind.”

He reaches out, his hand gently squeezing mine in a reassuring gesture. “Hey, it’s okay. We all have those moments, especially in times of stress. And besides, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to experience something like that. We’re all human, after all.”
