Page 99 of Fakecation

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“Oh.” She huffed out a laugh. “Sorry, I’m just . . . not a morning person.”

“I know. But I want to make sure you’re okay, especially considering what kind of day it’ll be.”

“I’ll be fine. How bad could it be?”

“Pretty bad,” he said. “But you don’t have to do this.”

Amelia shook her head. “Don’t worry about it.”

“I don’t like you being nervous about something I’m asking you to do.”

“It’s not you,” she said, reaching across the table to grab his hand. “I can handle a little nervousness, okay? I deal with it every day. Anxiety, remember?”

It didn’t seem to make him feel any better. “Okay.”

She looked at her phone. “The next train leaves soon. We should probably head out.”

“Right.” Daniel nodded. He stood and she chugged the remainder of her coffee. He eyed her warily. “Doesn’t that . . . burn?”

“I’m used to it.”

“Your caffeine addiction is scary.”

“We all do what we need in order to function,” she responded before she threw on her clothes and met Daniel at the door.

The MARTA ride was quiet as usual. The train she took was usually free from any drama and was short. Daniel sat next to her quietly, too, taking in all of the sights.

“What’s the plan?” he asked as they got closer to work.

“For what?”

“For how we act at work.”

“Right,” she muttered. “I think we should have lunch together, but other than that . . . I don’t think there is much else we could do. If we oversell this by being super flirty at work, it will look out of place.”

“And we could get in trouble if we go too far.”

“Exactly. We play it cool and make it through the day. That’s all we can do.”

“Agreed,” he said, eyes on their office, which had come into their field of view. Amelia grabbed his hand on instinct, giving him a reassuring smile. When he returned it, her chest loosened. This was a far cry from how they’d been the last time they were in the office, but she wouldn’t have it any other way.

They arrived at work right before eight and entered the elevator together. Her hand slipped out of his as he pressed the button for their floor. As she saw the familiar sights of the office, she couldn’t help but look at Daniel, who was as put together as always. But now she’d seen all of him, and she didn’t know how she would go back to being just his coworker after this.

Or if she even wanted to.

“Daniel!” a voice called. He held the elevator, and Dana rushed in. “Good morning.”


An uncomfortable feeling curled into Amelia’s gut, but she ignored it. After yesterday, she didn’t know how to feel about Dana’s borderline unprofessional questions. She was just his employee, after all.

Dana’s eyes glanced over at Amelia, smile dropping for one second. Then her eyes were back on Daniel.

“So,” Dana began. “Did you have fun on your trip?”

“We did,” he said.

“Where did you go?”
